8 Long-term side effects of paroxetine

Prolonged consumption of paroxetine can cause a series of complications in a person’s vital functions. They can be detected from pertinent observations regarding performance in areas of life, such as university and/or work. Despite this, this drug is indicated for the treatment of some mental disorders that cause discomfort in the development of daily life. Although it is true that the benefits that come with taking this medication are highly effective in a large part of the world’s population, there are some disadvantages that arise from its long-term use. Lacking accurate data can cause more serious problems that endanger the person receiving the treatment. To avoid this, detailed and relevant information about this problem is required.

In this Psychology-Online article we will explain the long term paroxetine side effects.

What is paroxetine and what is it for?

Paroxetine is a psychotropic drug used for treatment of clinical symptoms of depression. However, it is also indicated for addressing anxiety, obsessions, panic attacks and post-traumatic stress. This medication belongs to the group of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

In general terms, this medication acts on the central nervous system through increase in serotonin levels in the organism. This causes the mood to improve after a period of continued consumption. In accordance with this, it serves to stimulate nerve transmission that is generated through synaptic connections.

Paroxetine is generally known as an antidepressant due to the effects it causes on the neuronal circuits of the cerebral cortex. In the following article you will find more information about p.


First of all, one of the side effects that this medication can cause is headaches caused by inflammation of brain tissues. When this happens, the pressure exerted causes the person to feel discomfort that can be mild, moderate or intense.

Likewise, prolonged use of paroxetine can alter neuronal functioning.

sexual dysfunction

Long-term use of paroxetine can also cause sexual dysfunction, a difficulty responding appropriately to a sexual act. This can involve various modalities, such as inability to reach orgasm, premature ejaculation or lack of sexual desireamong others.

As has been proven, sexual dysfunction due to ingestion of paroxetine is linked to the inhibition of an enzyme that participates in these processes.

Restlessness and tremors

Involuntary body movements can have several underlying causes, with paroxetine ingestion being one of the main ones. This can be expressed from involuntary tremors in specific areas of the body.

Increase in body weight

Weight gain due to prolonged use of paroxetine is due to a alteration in metabolism. In some cases, the inability to correctly assimilate the properties of this medication generates body dysregulation that results in weight gain. Generally, this condition is associated with an increase in appetite.

Gastrointestinal disorders

In some cases, taking proxatin for a long time can cause gastrointestinal problems such as nausea, diarrhea, constipation or dyspepsia. Both diarrhea and constipation are alterations of the digestive system that can affect the expulsion of feces.

On the other hand, dyspepsia due to prolonged use of paroxetine can cause upset stomach, burning sensation, or indigestion in some people. Avoiding fatty, spicy, and acidic foods and eating smaller, more frequent meals can help relieve these symptoms. In the case of nausea, taking the medication with food may help reduce nausea.

If you experience persistent or severe gastrointestinal problems as a result of taking paroxetine, It is important that you inform your doctor so I can adjust your dose, change the administration schedule, or consider treatment alternatives as needed.


Another consequence that paroxetine can cause is insomnia. In this sense, the sedative effect of this medication can disrupt the normal sleep cycle, causing long periods without being able to sleep. However, this varies from person to person and there is no set number of people affected by this problem.

In this article you will find information about the .

Excessive sweating

Sweating is the release of body fluids that originate in the sweat glands. Beyond the fact that it is a common phenomenon, it has been seen that paroxetine increases the production of these components for a longer time than usual.


Another possible side effect of this medication is vertigo, a feeling of instability that occurs suddenly. When a person suffers from vertigo they tend to feel dizziness and loss of balance.

This problem can be manifested by the uninterrupted intake of a high dose of paroxetine for several months.

How to treat paroxetine side effects

Despite the complications caused by this antidepressant, there are some methods to mitigate them. Here’s how to treat the side effects of paroxetine:

  • Go to a health professional: The supply of any psychiatric medication should always be supervised by a specialist in the subject, since they will evaluate the patient’s clinical conditions and refer the correct dose.
  • Maintain constant communication with your doctor: In these cases, it is essential to inform you of any changes in your symptoms or side effects. They will be able to adjust the treatment as necessary.
  • Maintain a healthy diet: Carrying out a high consumption of fruits, vegetables, seeds, lean meats and plenty of water helps reduce some side effects.
  • Practice physical exercise: Including physical activities in your routine releases muscle tension and produces a release of hormones such as serotonin and endorphins, vital for increasing well-being.
  • Surround yourself with a healthy environment: Family and friends are essential for emotional support in times of crisis. Thus, your support allows for a better passage through these situations.
  • Do not abruptly stop treatment: Abruptly stopping taking these types of medications can cause withdrawal symptoms or worsen depression. Therefore, if you wish to modify or interrupt treatment with paroxetine, it is essential that you do so under the supervision of your doctor.

It should be noted that these recommendations do not replace medical advice. Each person may react differently to paroxetine, so it is important to have the supervision and guidance of a health professional.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Peñarrubia, M., Miranda Chueca, I., García Bayo, I. (2002). Delirium and endocrinological alterations secondary to paroxetine, report of a case. MEDIFAM Magazine, 12 (9), 589-592.
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