8 Exercises for DELAYED EJACULATION – Solutions

Delayed ejaculation is a problem of low incidence in the male population. Even so, its low probability of development in men is no reason to ignore or isolate this problem that unpleasantly breaks into the sexual lives of some people.

This alteration has little information, therefore, it deserves to be made visible. Although it does not affect massively, it is still a matter of health and quality of life. In this Psychology-Online article, we will talk to you about 6 exercises for delayed ejaculation. Discover techniques to control this sexual dysfunction.

What is delayed ejaculation

Contrary to , when it comes to delayed ejaculation, reference is made to difficulty or inability to activate the ejaculatory reflex, despite the fact that the stimuli are appropriate, thus preventing the orgasm from being experienced. To get a clearer idea about it, intercourse is expected to take between 3 to 13 minutes. In that period of time, man should be able to feel pleasure and develop all the relevant physiological functions. If it takes longer than expected, it is advisable to consult with a health professional.

This condition can be treated by specialists in the medical and mental health area, since one of the symptoms to consider is clinically significant emotional discomfort in the man in question in addition to the discomfort that it can cause in the emotional life of the individual. On the other hand, there are certain foods that could contribute to the development of an active and healthy sexual life.


How to improve delayed ejaculation? This is one of the basic exercises in treatment at a psychological and sexological level. Consists of the prohibition of intercourse for periods of time. You can only enjoy caresses, kisses, erotic games, etc. This is with the intention that the man can enjoy a state of progressive excitement without having to contain the anguish generated by the erection time. At the same time, he can stimulate himself alone until he reaches the point of feeling comfortable doing it as a couple. All this is progressive and with specific indications according to the case.


What to do to combat delayed ejaculation? Sometimes less is more, but this time the opposite is suggested. Increase eroticism during foreplay and, subsequently, waiting until you are close to climax before penetration can be useful in these cases. In this article, you will find more information about .


How to solve delayed ejaculation? Meet in situations that require speed It is one of the exercises for delayed ejaculation, since it could stimulate the ejaculatory reflex in men. Therefore, doing it secretly, or in some compromising place, are some ideas to try. The fear of being discovered seems to function as a kind of accelerator in this process. Discover more of.

Kegel exercises

Another delayed ejaculation treatment is Kegel exercises. They receive this name from Dr. Arnold Kegel, developer of this technique, initially for patients with urinary incontinence. This exercise is applicable to both women and men, although at first it is related exclusively to women.

For the disorder due to delayed ejaculation, Kegel exercises, whose center is the contraction and relaxation of the muscles involved with the member and the pelvic floor, are very useful because They help keep the pelvic floor in optimal condition. In this way, sexual relations improve.

They also sometimes recommend actively using them at the exact moment of sexual intercourse, as this would improve the erection and the ejaculatory reflex. It should be noted that the form, frequency and times of starting these exercises will be determined according to the specific objective of the patient.


One of the exercises for delayed ejaculation is the . It can be practiced through different techniques whose common objective will be the concentration of attention on the present moment. Added to other practices, mindfulness could be useful to help men focus and live in the present moment, especially when it comes to sexual encounters. In other words, it is about training our mind to focus attention on the stimulus, so that it can correspond to it in the expected way.

Avoid excessive consumption

We continue with more exercises to treat delayed ejaculation. Another option that can help solve this problem is avoid excessive drug use, since each of these substances is aimed at affecting the central nervous system. Excessive consumption can act against the objective sought.


Some foods or spices from nature are used as a support method by people. One of the natural remedies for delayed ejaculation is ginger. To prepare it, you must dilute a teaspoon of ginger powder in a cup of water, stir and eat twice a day.


If we talk about how to solve delayed ejaculation, another natural remedy that works well for this is watermelon. In addition to having a pleasant flavor to the palate, watermelon is one of those fruits that have been attributed aphrodisiac properties. For this reason, there are some people who decide to consume it daily.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • So far, the most effective solution to such a situation seems to be psychotherapy and sexological treatment with certified specialists.
  • This alteration can only be diagnosed by certified specialists in the area after the relevant studies.
  • It is preferable to consult a health professional before acting or making any type of intake. Supporting natural foods should not replace any medication. In this article, some are mentioned for information purposes.


  • American Psychiatric Association. (2014). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Madrid: Panamericana Medical Editorial.
  • Burgos, G. (March 8, 2016). Delayed ejaculation: what it is and what treatment it has. Recovered from: https://www.georginaburgos.com/single-post/Eyaculacion-retardada
  • Mayoclinic medical equipment. (June 18, 2020). Mayoclinic. Retrieved from: https://www.mayoclinic.org/es-es/diseases-conditions/delayed-ejaculation/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20371363
  • Malnero, N. (May 28, 2019). How to take care of the pelvic floor. Recovered from: https://www.sexperimentando.es/como-cuidar-el-suelo-pelvico-para-mujeres-y-mujeres-nuevo-curso/
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