20 years after his death, Walter Olmos’ greatest dream was fulfilled

In a note with La Viola, his relative assured that everything they do is by heart, since they do not receive help from any ruler. “We are twelve girls who are working on this. The dining room is called ‘Walter Olmos, street kids’. We started on February 7 with nothing. We had no kitchen or items, nor merchandise. But a man appeared and offered us some cheap stoves and we bought them. The merchandise came out of our pocket,” he said.


A group of 12 women founded a soup kitchen called “Walter Olmos, street kids.”

Silvina said that they have space for only 150 people, but that many more come looking for a plate of food: “We are not getting help from the Government, only from the people. The pots are borrowed, and at the Catamarca Food Market they always collaborate with us.”

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Walter Olmos, an idol of the quartet born in Catamarca.

Moved, she expressed that she imagines her brother’s great joy at seeing this wish become a reality. “He is surely helping us from above. It is as if he had sent the people who came to us to make donations,” she closed.

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