170 Vincent van Gogh Quotes on Starry Art

Vincent van Gogh was a painter of Dutch origin who was born on March 30, 1853, who began making drawings, and then dedicated himself to making paintings, it is estimated that he created 1,600 drawings and 800 paintings.

For his contributions to art, He is considered one of the main exponents of post-impressionism, Furthermore, he is mentioned as one of the most famous painters in the world.

However, all his recognition came ironically after he died on July 29, 1890, at the age of 37, since, it is said that during his life, he barely managed to sell one of his many paintings.

There is no doubt that van Gogh’s life is interesting, as is his art, but so are his phrases, which are compiled mainly from the more than 800 letters that remain of him.

Vincent van Gogh quotes about art

From an early age he was interested in art, as it was his greatest passion, and of course he came to talk about the subject just like other painters, such as , offering phrases such as:

1. I want to touch people with my art. I want you to say: feel deeply, feel tenderly.

Works of art can move fibers, feelings, emotions, etc., in anyone who sees them, and that was precisely what van Gogh wanted to achieve.

2. I consciously choose the dog’s path through life. I will be poor. I will be a painter.

3. Art is to console those who are broken by life.

4. The paintings have a life of their own that derives from the soul of the painter.

5. Everyone who works with love and intelligence finds in the very sincerity of their love for nature and art, a kind of armor against the opinions of others.

6. Art is nothing more than an imitation of nature.

7. Drawing is the root of everything.

8. Painting requires an intelligent model.

9. I dream my painting and I paint my dream.

10. Art requires constant observation.

eleven. How rich art is, if one can only remember what one has seen, one is never empty of thoughts or truly alone, never alone.

12. Poetry surrounds us everywhere, but putting it on paper, unfortunately, is not as easy as looking at it.

13. Many painters are afraid of the blank canvas, but the blank canvas is afraid of the truly passionate painter, who dares and who once broke the spell of you can’t.

14. Instead of trying to reproduce exactly what I see in front of me, I make arbitrary use of color to express myself more strongly.

fifteen. We spend our entire lives in the unconscious exercise of the art of expressing our thoughts with the help of words.

16. Art requires persistent work, work despite everything, and continuous observation. By persistent, I mean not only continuous work, but also not giving up your opinion at the behest of this or that person.

17. I am a man of passions, capable and subject to doing more or less stupid things, which I regret, more or less, later.

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18. An artist does not need to be a minister or a collector in the church, but he must have a warm heart for the people.

19. There are colors that shine brilliantly, that form a couple that completes each other like a man and a woman.

twenty. It seems to me that it is the duty of a painter to try to put an idea into his work.

twenty-one. Emotions are sometimes so strong that I work without knowing it. The strokes come like speech.

23. I tried to express through red and green the terrible passions of humanity.

24. Painting is a faith, and imposes the duty to ignore public opinion.

25. I lost my job as an art dealer. It was the client’s fault. I wanted to buy the wrong paints.

26. I believe it is a duty to paint the rich and magnificent aspects of nature. We need joy and happiness, hope and love.

27. Painting is for us what the music of Berlioz and Wagner was before us: A consoling art for aching hearts! And yet, only a few of us feel it.

28. The laws of color are indescribably beautiful, simply because they are not accidental.

29. There is no blue without yellow and orange, and if you make blue, then make yellow and orange too, surely.

30. The only time I feel alive is when I’m painting.

31. The uglier, older, meaner, poorer, poorer I become, the more I want to take revenge by making bright, well-groomed, resplendent colors.

32. If you hear a voice inside you that says you can’t paint, then paint, and that voice will be silenced.

33. One of the most difficult things to do is paint darkness that, however, has light.

3. 4. The painter of the future will be a colorist who is unlike anything until now.

35. As practice makes perfect, I can’t help but progress. Every drawing you make, every study you paint, is a step forward.

36. I want to paint men and women with that something of the external that the halo used to symbolize, and that we now seek to find the real brightness and vitality of our colors.

37. As long as autumn lasts, I won’t have enough hands, canvas, and colors to paint the beautiful things I see.

38. Sometimes I think that there is nothing more delicious than drawing.

39. As a painter, I will never mean anything of importance. I’m absolutely sorry.

40. There are so many people, especially among our colleagues, who imagine that words are nothing, on the contrary, isn’t it true that saying something well is as interesting and as difficult as painting it?

41. The same thing happens with reading books as with looking at paintings: you must, without a doubt, without hesitation, with confidence, admire the beautiful.

42. Drawing is the root of everything, and the time spent on it is actually all benefit.

43. My sketchbook is a witness to what I am experiencing, scribbling things every time they happen.

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44. The canvas has an idiotic look, capable of hypnotizing some painters so much that they themselves become idiots.

Four. Five. One can speak poetry simply by arranging the colors well, just as one can say comforting things in music.

46. The great artist is the simplifier.

47. Christ is more artist than artists. He works in the living spirit and in the living flesh. He makes men instead of statues.

48. It is difficult to know yourself, but it is not easy to paint yourself either.

49. Just throw something down if you see a blank canvas staring at you somewhat stupidly. You don’t know how paralyzing that stare at a blank canvas is that tells the painter: you don’t know anything.

fifty. I, for my part, am determined to have no weapons other than my brush and my pen.

51. Art is a combat. In art it is necessary to even risk your skin.

52. I want to get to the point where people say that my work is that of a deeply feeling man.

53. The precise drawing, the precise color, may not be the essential thing to aim for, because the reflection of reality in a mirror, if it could be captured, color and all, would not be an image at all, no more than a photography.

54. Coloring a painting is like enthusiasm in life.

Vincent van Gogh quotes about love

It is said that van Gogh was unlucky in love, after all, he fell in love with his cousin, who rejected him, and after that, he had multiple rejections from other women, which probably inspired the following phrases:

55. I continually have the most impossible and inadequate love relationships from which, as a rule, I only emerge in shame and disgrace.

Vincent frequently fared poorly in matters of love, a fact he expressed in several of his letters.

56. Love always brings difficulties, that’s true, but the good thing is that it gives energy.

57. I’m searching, I’m fighting, I’m in this with all my heart.

58. I can’t help but think that the best way to know God is to love many things. Love this friend, this person, this thing, whatever you want, and you will be on the right path.

59. If you really love nature, you will find beauty everywhere.

60. What is done with love is done well.

61. There is nothing more truly artistic than loving people.

62. Love makes one calmer about things, and thus, one is fit for one’s work.

63. The more I think about it, the more I feel that there is nothing more truly artistic than loving people.

64. It is good to love many things, because that is where true strength lies, and whoever loves a lot, does a lot, and can do a lot, and what is done with love is well done.

65. The more you love, the more you suffer.

66. If you end up falling in love with someone, it’s because of them. If you end up hating someone, it’s your fault.

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67. Maintain your love for nature, because that is the true way to understand art more and more.

68. But you must love with a sublime, genuine, deep sympathy, with devotion, with intelligence, and you must try all the time to understand it more, better and even more.

Vincent van Gogh quotes for life

Vincent’s life was short, as he died earlier than he should have, although he wrote many phrases that can be applied to today’s life:

69. Suffering without complaining is the only lesson we have to learn in this life.

Life is not simple by any means, which, directly or indirectly, involves suffering, which sometimes is better to accept, to move forward, rather than remain stagnant.

70. Don’t be discouraged if it is very difficult at times. Everything will turn out well, and no one can, at first, do what they want.

71. Consciousness is man’s compass, and although the needle sometimes deviates, although irregularities are often perceived in the direction of travel, one must try to follow its direction.

72. Whatever plan one makes, there is a hidden difficulty somewhere.

73. I so long to make beautiful things. But beautiful things require effort, disappointment and perseverance.

74. Don’t turn off your inspiration and your imagination. Don’t become a slave to your model.

75. I feel a certain calm. There is security in the midst of danger. What would life be if we did not dare to take things into our hands?

76. One should never let the fire go out in his soul, but rather keep it burning.

77. I don’t have it yet, but I’m looking for it and fighting for it, I want something serious, something fresh, something with soul! Go Go.

78. You cannot be at the pole and the equator at the same time. You have to choose your own line, as I hope to do, and it will probably be the color.

79. One must work and dare if one really wants to live.

80. Let us not forget that small emotions are the great captains of our lives, and we obey them without realizing it.

81. Loneliness, worries, difficulties, the unmet need for kindness and sympathy, that’s what is difficult to bear…

82. If you don’t have a dog, at least one, there isn’t necessarily anything wrong with you, but there may be something wrong with your life.

83. To do a good job, one must eat well, be well housed, have an adventure now and then, smoke a pipe, and drink one’s coffee in peace.

84. Saving a life is something real and beautiful. Making a home for the homeless, yes, it is a thing that must be good.

85. The vast majority of people are asleep and do not want to wake up.

86. I often think that the night is more vivid and rich in colors than the day.

87. I must continue following the path I am taking now. If I don’t do anything, if I don’t study anything, if I stop searching, then woe to…