56 black and white phrases for all times

Black and white are two colors that contrast with each other, one being characterized by light and the other by total darkness, respectively.

Although in principle they are not seen as colors, they are, although of the , and are extremely important in various areas, especially art, design, composition, among others.

However, they are a source of inspiration for other areas, as messages, phrases and quotes that have them as protagonists and that you can share as you prefer.

Creative black and white phrases

It is a fact that black and white are colors widely used in creative matters, such as in painting, drawings, illustrations, among others, being important, as demonstrated by these phrases:

1. A painter must begin each canvas with a wash of black, because all things in nature are dark except when exposed to light. – .

2. A simple painting can come to life when you add black and white to it. That’s how relevant those colors are. – Anonymous.

3. The canvas is blank and each brushstroke is a piece of the soul. – Armando Reverón.

4. If you feel like something is missing from your work, try black and white. – Anonymous.

5. It is so good and yet so terrible to stand in front of a blank canvas. – Paul Cézanne.

6. The canvas is white and the lines are black. This is how art begins. – Anonymous.

7. A good painter needs only three colors: black, white and red. – Titian.

8. Some say that white is a useless color and that black is not even a color, well, they don’t know anything about art. – Anonymous.

9. Black and white creates a strange dreamscape that color never can. – Jack Antonoff

10. In all art black and white are fundamental. Take advantage of them. – Anonymous.

eleven. Many painters fear the blank canvas, but the blank canvas fears the truly passionate, daring painter who once broke the ‘you can’t’ spell. – .

Black and white phrases about life

There is a lot of talk about the color of life, thinking about happier tones, but the reality is that black and white are part of it, which we notice with these phrases:

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12. How many strokes of colors could we paint if we mixed black and white today? – Anonymous.

13. Nothing is black or white, nothing is ‘us or them’. But then there are magical and beautiful things in the world. There are incredible acts of kindness and bravery, and in the most unlikely places, and it gives you hope. – David Matthews.

14. Life is in color, but black and white is more realistic. –Samuel Fuller.

fifteen. Black and white are also part of life. – Anonymous.

16. Each moment of life will have its nuances, its whites and its blacks. Nothing is perfect. – Anonymous.

17. Reality is more real in black and white. – Octavio Paz.

18. When you reduce life to black or white, you can never see rainbows. – Rachel Huston.

19. Black and white may be enough. However, why should you deprive yourself of color? –Christian Dior.

twenty. What would life be without black and white? Too much color is also boring. – Anonymous.

twenty-one. If we dye life black, we will never be able to see the clarity and whiteness that exists. – Anonymous.

22. The most colorful thing in the world is black and white, it contains all colors and at the same time excludes them. – Vikrm.

23. If we measure our successes by whether we belong to black or white, we lose sight of the most essential thing in life, namely: authenticity. – Anonymous.

24. Life may be white as sea foam or black as oil, but it will never be without meaning. – Anonymous.

25. Life is not black and white. It has some nuances. –Pilou Asbaek.

26. Life is like black or white, yes or no, water and fire: there will always be differences that present connections between each other. – Anonymous.

27. Observe everything white around you, but remember that everything black exists. – Lao Tse.

28. Life is an intersection between black and white, where we find our own palette of grays. – Anonymous.

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29. Sometimes life has to be in black and white, to then appreciate the color. – Anonymous.

30. In the duality of black and white, we discover that life is a work of art in constant evolution. – Anonymous.

31. Life in black and white reminds us that diversity and the coexistence of different perspectives and experiences are what enrich our world. – Anonymous.

32. Black and white invites us to explore simplicity in the midst of chaos, to find calm in the storm and to appreciate beauty in the absence of color. – Anonymous.

33. Although sometimes life is presented in black and white, it is in that duality where we find the contrast necessary to appreciate the true palette of colors that surrounds us. – Anonymous.

3. 4. Life provides us with black and white moments to remind us that contrast and diversity are essential to our growth and understanding of the world. – Anonymous.

35. Sometimes life fades into black and white, but it is in those moments of apparent simplicity that we find the depth and value of every experience. – Anonymous.

36. With its ups and downs, life shows us that black and white is not just an absence of colors, but a fundamental part of the beautiful canvas that is our path. – Anonymous.

37. When life turns black and white, it is a reminder that duality is inherent to our existence and that only through acceptance of both extremes can we find authentic balance. – Anonymous.

Black and white love phrases

In love, as they say, not everything is rosy, and that’s okay, because it has its nuances in black and white, which is easy to understand with these black and white phrases to reflect on:

38. Since I know you, I visualize you dressed in white and me waiting for you in a black suit. – Anonymous.

39. There are aromas of happiness that remind me of you as much as a black and white portrait. – Anonymous.

40. Romanticism does not understand colors or nuances. Opposites will come together, like black and white. – Anonymous.

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41. You have given my black and white world the most beautiful color. – Anonymous.

42. Have you thought about how beautiful it is that we are complementary, like black and white? – Anonymous.

43. Let’s paint our heart black and white to make it one. – Anonymous.

44. If love is white as snow and black as coal, there will be ashes that will rise again. – Anonymous.

Four. Five. Our life will never be gray if we take ownership of the black and whites that happen every day. – Anonymous.

46. Don’t you see my colors? Have you covered one eye and only see the white or the black of my love for you? – Anonymous.

47. If you see the truth of my heart, you will be able to appreciate more colors than black or white. – Anonymous.

48. Like a black and white image, our love crosses the boundaries of time and space, leaving an indelible mark on our hearts. – Anonymous.

49. On the canvas of life, our love is painted with subtle strokes that go beyond black and white. – Anonymous.

fifty. Love is like a black and white photograph, it captures the essence of life and highlights the most intense moments. – Anonymous.

51. Our love is like a black and white contrast, where our differences complement each other and create a unique harmony. – Anonymous.

52. In this black and white world, our love is more colorful than any. – Anonymous.

53. Love is the ink that brings life to the black and white pages of our shared history. – Anonymous.

54. Love is the perfect contrast in black and white, where the dark moments only enhance the beauty of the bright moments. – Anonymous.

55. In a world full of noise and distractions, our love is a quiet refuge in black and white, where we can find peace and serenity. – Anonymous.

56. If we see our universe only in black and white terms, we lose sight of the stars around us. – Anonymous.