9 most colorful Letters for the Tooth Fairy

The Pérez Mouse, also known as the Pérez Mouse or the Tooth Fairy, is an important character, since once a baby tooth has fallen out during childhood, the Pérez Mouse comes to pick it up.

The best part is that, he takes the fallen tooth, and replaces it with a reward, which can vary, between candy or money, and to ask or thank him, a letter for the Little Mouse is an excellent alternative, In some cases, the Mouse even leaves a certificate of congratulations or recommendations regarding dental health.

What to write in the letter from the Tooth Fairy?

It is normal to go blank when writing to the Tooth Fairy, or when writing on his behalf, but the following documents can be taken directly or as inspiration to accomplish this task:

Example of a letter to send Ratón Pérez

Darling ,

I have been informed that you have lost a baby tooth, and by the time you read this, I will have taken it away.

I have evaluated your tooth, and it seems to me to be , and that is why I have left you as a gift a .

I like to motivate children to take care of their oral health, so if the next tooth is in better condition, the gift will be much better!


Perez mouse

Sample letter to send to the Pérez Mouse

Dear Tooth Fairy,

I tell you that I have a loose tooth, which means that I will be close to losing it, and just as I have been told, I know that you will bring me a gift depending on the state of the tooth.

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I would like you to know that whenever I can, I brush my teeth, and not only that, I also floss and use mouthwash, so I hope they are in the best condition.

If the tooth is in the best condition, I hope you can bring it to me or if not, .

I will be waiting!

Letter addressed by the Little Mouse Pérez

I salute you !

I greet you pleasantly!

It makes me happy to look for the teeth that the children have lost, and I know it will make you happy too because I will leave you a gift!

I hope you like it, and next time, if your tooth is in better condition, I’ll bring you something better.

He says goodbye,

The Tooth Fairy

Printable Templates for the Tooth Fairy

On the one hand, there are templates for children to write to the Tooth Fairy, and on the other, to write on his behalf on cards that are easy to download and then print, as well as certificate templates:

Tips for writing the letter to the Tooth Fairy

If you prefer to write a letter to the Little Tooth Mouse on your own, there are recommendations that you should keep in mind:

  • Letterhead. First of all, entering the date, city and country is essential, which goes in the first line of the letter.
  • Oral condition. It is essential to provide information about the oral condition, being honest about it.
  • The suggestion. What the Tooth Fairy will wear will depend on many factors, even so, it is good to make suggestions.
  • Say goodbye. Ending a letter with a farewell is always the most appropriate, and it can be a simple phrase.
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