Your beliefs control your biology – Integral Health Coaching.

Beliefs control biology! Your beliefs determine your life!

A well-known example of how a belief affects our biology is the placebo effect.

The placebo effect is the set of effects on health produced by the administration of a placebo, which can be in the form of a pill, a therapy, self-medication or a mere medical act, and which are not due to the specific effect of any medical act. .

The term “placebo effect” was coined by the American anesthetist Henry K. Beecher in 1955. Henry observed that at least a third of the patients improved when they were given a placebo, that is, they were given a pill similar to a regular medicine, with the same color, shape and flavor, but without any pharmacological effect.

Scientific and psychological studies explain this phenomenon by a single factor: the power of beliefs. Our beliefs influence and determine our intelligence, health, and abilities. The key is to obtain the appropriate beliefs that lead us to our well-being and fulfillment.

The nocebo effect is the opposite of a placebo effect. Patients who do not believe in the treatment may experience worsening of symptoms. For example, study participants given a placebo are told they are going to experience a list of negative side effects and develop a negative attitude toward the placebo that leads them to experience those symptoms.

Placebo effects seem to arise not only from conscious belief, but also from subconscious associations between recovery and treatment. This follows from the researchers’ discovery that placebo effects arise from active processes in the brain.

See also  Uncontrolled Emotions – Comprehensive Health Coaching.

Your beliefs act like filters on a camera, changing the way you see the world. And your biology adapts to those beliefs.

When we recognize once and for all that our beliefs are this powerful, we will be in possession of the key to freedom.

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Disease and Heredity

Dr. Christian Boukaram, an oncologist and specialist in nuclear physics, in his book The Anti-Cancer Power of Emotions, talks about the deterministic paradigm that science and medicine had maintained on the role of DNA in diseases in general, and especially cancer. .