Why is it ghosting me but not blocking me?

The phenomenon of ghosting It is an experience that, unfortunately, many of us have lived or at least heard about. It is an act in which someone, without warning, much less explanation, suddenly disappears from another person’s life, leaving them in a state of confusion and wondering why.

However, we can also find people who practice ghosting without blocking you. What does it mean when someone decides to disappear, but not completely? Does it mean they intend to return? What to do about this situation? In this Psychology-Online article we will talk about Because it makes me ghosting but it doesn’t block me. Find out if their intention is to return after a while and what to do in these cases.

What does it mean if it ghosts me but doesn’t block me?

He ghosting without asking numerous questions about the intentions and feelings of the person who suddenly disappears from another’s life, but without blocking you so as not to completely cut off communication. If you find yourself in the situation that , but it doesn’t block you, it’s natural to feel confused. Below, we will explore some of the main reasons behind this behavior.

  • Lack of confrontation: one of the most common reasons behind ghosting However, it is the aversion to confrontation. The person may feel uncomfortable thinking that he is going to have a difficult conversation or that he will have to face your questions, so he chooses to fade away rather than address the situation directly.
  • Doubts: In some cases, the ghoster may be experiencing doubts about the relationship or their own feelings. He doesn’t block you perhaps because he isn’t completely sure if he wants to cut off communication forever or if he just needs time to reflect.
  • Keep the door open: Another reason could be that the person wants to maintain the option of returning or resuming the relationship in the future. Not blocking you allows him to maintain a minimal connection in case he decides to return.
  • Fear of your reaction: The ghoster might fear your reactions or emotional confrontations if they block you. Avoiding blocking is a way to avoid possible retaliation or arguments.
  • Wait for you to give up: By not blocking you, the person could be hoping that you will eventually give up and stop trying to contact them. This saves you the need for direct confrontation.
  • Manipulation: in some cases, the ghosting However, blocking can be a manipulation tactic to maintain emotional control in the relationship. The person may want you to feel insecure or needy for their attention. If you want to understand it better, in this article you will find information about it.

Does a person who ghosts but doesn’t block come back?

The uncertainty surrounding ghosting When he doesn’t block you, it can lead to a question that resonates in the mind of the person being ghosted: Will he ever come back? In some cases, a person who does ghosting but it does not block it can return, although in reality the fact that it does not block you is not a guarantee of this.

Below we explain the possible reasons why a person who ghosts but does not block comes back:

  • Emotional clarity: the person who made ghosting he may have needed time to sort out his own feelings. The temporary distancing allowed her to reflect on the relationship and she might have come to the conclusion that she wants to get back together.
  • Changes in your life: Life circumstances may change, leading a person to reconsider their ghosting decision. For example, he might have had a major transition in his life that altered his perspective.
  • Regret: Some people may feel remorse after ghosting. They may realize that their action was hurtful and may decide to address the situation to apologize or try to find a solution.
  • Second chances: those who do ghosting Sometimes they return in search of second chances. They may believe that the relationship had potential and are willing to try again. Find out in this article.

However, it is important to note that returning is no guarantee that the relationship will be healthy or that the reasons behind the ghosting initial have been resolved. In some cases, the person might return only to repeat the same pattern of behavior, which can lead to more confusion and pain.

What to do if it ghosts me but doesn’t block me

When someone makes you ghosting but does not block you, the situation can become even more disconcerting, since the door of communication seems open, but the person is still absent. Here are some steps you can consider if you are faced with this situation:

  • Give yourself time: It is essential to give yourself time and space to process your own feelings. He ghosting It can be emotionally impactful, and it’s important to allow yourself to feel and process your emotions.
  • Reflect on your needs: Look at what you really want in the relationship and if this person is right for you. Sometimes he ghosting It may be a sign that the relationship was unhealthy.
  • Communicate: If you feel comfortable enough and if you wish, you can try to communicate with the person in a respectful way. Express your feelings and questions directly. You can ask her about the reasons behind her behavior. This way, if he still doesn’t answer you, you’ll know to move on.
  • Set boundaries: If you decide to try to communicate, it’s also important to set clear boundaries. Make it clear how you feel about their lack of communication and what your expectations are in the relationship.
  • Prioritize yourself: at all times. If you feel that the situation is negatively affecting you or causing you significant stress, it is essential to take care of yourself. Lean on trusted people.
  • Think about your future: prepare for different outcomes. The person could respond and explain their actions, or they could choose to remain silent. In any case, you will be better prepared to deal with the situation.
  • Don’t obsess: avoid becoming obsessed with the situation and don’t allow the ghosting consume your thoughts. Maintain a healthy life and continue with your daily activities and responsibilities. In this article you will see.
  • Consider moving on: If the person still doesn’t respond or their response is unsatisfactory, consider moving on. Don’t feel obligated to wait indefinitely for someone who isn’t willing to communicate or who doesn’t value your feelings.

Remember that what they have done to you ghosting It has nothing to do with you. It is a problem that the other person has with themselves and their ability to communicate with others and cope with unpleasant situations. You deserve to be with a person who treats you with respect and takes your feelings into consideration.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Ailts, M. (2016). The haunting reality of ghosting. Columbia Daily Spectator. https://www.columbiaspectator.com/opinion/2016/04/07/haunting-reality-ghosting/
  • Leal, N. (2022). «Ghosting»: Have they ever stopped responding to your messages? Harper’s BAZAAR. https://www.harpersbazaar.com/es/culture/leisure/a277608/ghosting-app-date-cita-tinder-whatsapp/
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