Why doesn’t anyone LIKE ME? – The 8 reasons



I’m 17 years old and the truth is I’ve never had any luck with boys. It’s always happened to me that they don’t like me or they have a girlfriend. This is my last year of high school and I see that what I always hoped would happen to me is never going to happen to me. Now I know I’m going to sound like I have rock-bottom self-esteem, but it cannot be denied that everyone focuses on the body and personality last.



I am 38 years old and I have never had a boyfriend, when I have shown interest in someone they have rejected me and on dating apps they have only written to me to tell me that it is a shame that I am fat, because, otherwise, I was perfect.
Years go by and loneliness weighs more, you see that everyone around you pairs up and forms families, while you are left behind and with an increasingly smaller circle. And the ridicule and rejection make it more difficult to want to expand the circle because for what? If the same thing is going to happen to you again…
Additionally, I have PCOS and hypothyroidism, which makes it extremely difficult for me to lose weight. Now I am in the process of abandoning the contraceptive pills that I take to alleviate PCOS (they are of no use for anything else, since I am a virgin) and I am terrified because the symptoms of the disease are going to return (hirsutism, alopecia, acne, amenorrhea), so I feel very very sad because I will be even more horrible…

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Hello, have you already found someone? I just turned 20 and the truth is that all my life I felt rejected, I feel ugly, and as for my personality, I don’t feel like anyone likes me, I don’t know what to do, I try to get away but I always end up surrounded by people who like me. criticizes, there is a boy that I really like, but he will never notice me, I wish I were pretty…



Hello Aishaila, I don’t know if it’s your real name, I just want to say that don’t worry about what others say, try to understand yourself and listen to yourself, the more you love yourself and your body as it is, the right people will come into your life, remember that Every person is beautiful, it’s just that everyone looks at each of the people they meet differently. It is only to be hoped that one day there will come that person who looks at you like the moon at the sun at sunset, who pays attention to you and loves you just as you are. Take care and I hope you find the right person for you ♥



incredible wow I need to talk about this with my friend😄🙂






It’s incredible that you have described exactly everything that happens to me, all the reasons why I don’t feel like it… you have made me realize that it is not that serious, that it is normal. Now I must put your advice into practice. Thank you very much, I hope there are more pages like this that are concerned about mental health.

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I need to talk to my son about this and I didn’t know where to start to get him to be receptive. This article says everything I wanted to say to him. Thank you.



Hello, I’m Erik, I’m 21 years old and I have in my mind that when I make friends or even a girlfriend, my mind tells me no, even if I try, there is no way to get a girlfriend in this modern age.
On the other hand, I tell them about meeting somewhere, they always tell me no, that’s why I get depressed and when I talk to a girl they always leave me aside as if I were not there, then at some point, for example, I try for a week or two and It was practically impossible and that’s why I felt rotten inside and that’s why I don’t know what to do anymore and my last effort is to leave whatever they look for and let them look for me instead. I to them.

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Hello, I’m Oniell, I’m also 21, at a certain point I share your feeling but the solution is not to walk away and have them come to you, believe me, patience is something very important, especially when we hope to find love, the best way is to look for hobbies that distract you from the The issue of taking care of hygiene and how you dress, including perfume, women pay attention to many things and that we smell good is 70% of what they notice most in general. You have friends, not with the intention of being something more, friendship is the best way to meet girls, be daring and don’t be afraid to talk, overcome any nervousness or anxiety, don’t think that she makes you nervous, focus on her and if she is the nervous one, you are already winning, pay attention to her, not too much but not too much until she knows that you pay attention to her. and remember things she talks to you about and show interest when you find her you will know eat well do exercises and be thankful for each day because life is only 1 there is no time to haggle about what you want bro I hope it helps good luck



I do know that no one likes me; I am 34 years old and I have never had a girlfriend, because they have all rejected me.

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I understand how you feel: I am 38 years old and I have never had a boyfriend, when I have shown interest in someone they have rejected me and on dating apps they have only written to me to tell me that it is a shame that I am fat, because, otherwise, It was perfect.
Years go by and loneliness weighs more, you see that everyone around you pairs up and forms families, while you are left behind and with an increasingly smaller circle. And the ridicule and rejection make it more difficult to want to expand the circle because for what? If the same thing is going to happen to you again…

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I am 31 and I am exactly the same and I know perfectly well the feeling of loneliness that overwhelms me. Everyone also rejects me and the worst thing is that there is nothing we can do since we cannot force anyone to love us. I will be alone for the rest of my life :'(



What happens if I have high self-esteem, I am sociable and respectful, but they always see me as a friend, it is something that depresses me because I feel like I will be left alone

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Don’t feel alone or think that others have a partner and you don’t, that generates unconscious stress in you and it will be worse, try to expand your circle of friends, relax and try to ensure that if you like a girl, be the friend but make her see it with gestures. How to play momentarily with her hair, hold her hand and tell her how pretty her nails are, say phrases like: give me your eyes or I love your profile, have a perfume that she says, wow, I love it, and even want to steal it from you. These are subtle details to make her notice you. I hope I have helped you, give thanks for every day and remember that life is 1, and there is no time to waste time 😉



I’m in a similar situation to yours, the boys see me as a best friend or sister and I think they think that because I treat them with respect they don’t interest me. However, one of my friends asked me out and I was very happy. I want you to know that perhaps they are a little shy or afraid that you will reject them. So, if you are attracted to someone, be close and don’t miss the opportunity to confess what you feel. The feeling may be mutual, much success! You are wonderful just the way you are and someone will love you that way.



It also usually happens that the person you like already has a partner. It has always happened to me that every time I like a girl it turns out that she already has a boyfriend.

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Yes, that has also happened to me, and sometimes they are women with whom you can have a good life, but they arrived late because someone else already arrived.



Well, there are two of us, the same thing has happened to me more than once.



No way, because of the little interaction I have with women, my social skills are going to waste. And you could tell me to try, not to give up, to give in but… it’s difficult, it’s like asking you to become a millionaire in about 6 months. And I’m simply not good at keeping in touch with people frequently, because that’s what’s important: consistency. Do you know how complicated life is?
But hey, at least I have a source of income, vacations, I’m still alive. The point is that I have many things to be grateful for. If the girls don’t want anything to do with me, then no way, the problem is that I have to find something to keep me busy so I don’t have to deal with these negative thoughts that I have towards them.
I feel a little empathetic towards men who have unfortunately had to go through hundreds of rejections, at least you have tried! I haven’t even reached first base.
The situation simply does not fit my wishes, and when I managed to interact with a girl she quickly told me that she had a boyfriend… I don’t know if they see me as very desperate or what, but if I don’t act I won’t be noticed, since as I mentioned Previously it’s not like I frequent them a lot, I’m not very constant in that. I go to damn extremes and that’s what I hate most in life. One has to have balance to succeed.

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I have already tried several times to be with that girl but each time it becomes more difficult because before we had something nice but that has already happened and I think it is time to let her go even though it hurts me, I am 16 years old and I know that is no reason to I feel like I’m still young, but you don’t need a higher age to realize how things are. Greetings👍



I am surprised by the female comments, I go out on the street and no woman shows me the slightest interest and they even disrespect me to make me understand that they don’t like me when I even make a pass at me. And at the same time I see that no matter how ugly the girl is, she always receives male attention, perhaps not from the most handsome and I cannot understand how a woman can feel ugly. They really show minimal attention when a man talks to them, because really if a woman doesn’t give me the opportunity to talk to her, I’m not going to insist on talking if it simply seems like a monologue, if many times they don’t even hide the lack of interest by looking at their cell phone or people pass



I’m 47 years old, it’s true, I’m shy and I feel very ugly because men reject me no matter what. I also have to say that I am a Romanian girl. I don’t know if that’s a big mistake for being from this country… I don’t know if it’s because I’m chubby, but I’ve seen women who are very chubby than me and they don’t have any complexes and they like men. This continuous rejection is emotionally draining and I feel like the ugliest woman in this world. What am I doing wrong, why do they reject me so much?

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I say the same



Hello, I looked at your comment by chance, I just wanted to tell you that you are not to blame for anything, which is that you have to spend more time with yourself, go out with friends, discover new things and have fun and give yourself time. A woman does not need a man by her side to Be happy, believe me, my mother was left alone and still has a life…