Why does my hamster bite the cage?

Of all the options for animal companions that humans can have, the hamster is possibly one of the most curious. Many might describe them as small, adorable and maybe fluffy, but before being all that, they are also living beings that require freedom. If at any time you have asked yourself: why does my hamster bite the cage?, it is because it is probably asking for some freedom.

Over time we have been able to recognize that animals feel. Many are self-aware and experience emotions just like humans. It has been shown that various species laugh, cry, suffer stress, have fun or appreciate freedom. The scope of consciousness in animals is as extensive as in humans and hamsters are no exception.

Why does my hamster bite the cage?

Recognizing that every living being requires freedom to live fully is the first principle to know how to care for them. Pets are animals that from our point of view are suitable to live with us (we still don’t know their point of view, but we are exploring it).

However, even when an animal is under our care it is important to respect the independence and needs of that being. For example, surely if you have a hamster you have ever wondered why it bites its cage so vigorously.

The main cause of a hamster chewing its cage is boredom or stress. A very common, although not normal, anxiety disorder in hamsters that spend too much time in a small, dead-end space. Now, what are some of the signs of a stressed or anxious hamster?

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Symptoms of a stressed hamster:

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    Excessive grooming
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    Loss of hair
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  • How to avoid stress in my hamster

    In general, rodents in nature have a diverse and highly enriched environment. In a cage the possibilities are limited and this creates an unfavorable environment for the well-being of a hamster.

    If your hamster bites the cage it is a sign that it needs to release stress, expend energy or exercise its instinct. Lack of stimulation is one of the main factors for your hamster to lose peace of mind, but you can eliminate these emotions with the following actions:

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    Play with your hamster: Create fun games outside the cage to give your hamster a moment of freedom and change of space.
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    Enrich its cage: even if a hamster is small, having a large, well-enriched cage can be the key to ensuring its well-being.
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    Elements to gnaw: wearing down their teeth is natural in hamster behavior and to help them do so you could add fruit tree branches or calcium bars to their space.
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    From cage to terrarium: for a hamster, cages are not usually the best homes. Consider creating a terrarium or some space without metals and paint.