These 5 simple activities will help you activate the pineal gland (or the third eye)

Also called the “appendix of the brain,” the pineal gland has been considered the portal to the soul or to the higher realm where vital fluids are housed and, as some scientists mention, the origin of mental illnesses. It has a conical pea shape and is located in the ventricle roof of the brain, behind the root of the nose, in a small lake of cerebrospinal fluid.

In 1630, René Descartes described the pineal gland as the seat of the soul: this peculiar place where the soul resides is the Conarium, a nucleus that resembles a pine cone, located between the ventricles of the brain. Furthermore, the most intelligent are those who have a more mobile pineal gland, since it is activated by the movement of energy.

Even, according to some disciplines, the pineal gland is also called “the third eye”, which opens doors to other dimensions, and is activated by performing exercises or guided meditations. Below we share simple methods to activate the pineal gland:

– Meditation. Sit comfortably with your back straight and eyes closed. Focus on deep breathing, letting your muscles relax. Eventually think about the pineal gland: “a gland like a light bulb inside your brain, a lamp that you must turn on. Turn it on. Now it is activated, think about all its benefits and how, in ancient times, shamans activated it to cure phobias and depression. Added to this, your imagination will increase and you will use more of your own energy, so you will feel full of life, light and spiritual peace.”

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– Happy tea, or passion tea – analogues of pinolina – and St. John’s wort. It is not recommended to drink more than three or four cups of this tea a day. Pinoline is a monoamine oxidase inhibitor that acts as an elevator of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and endorphins.

– Melatonin or the hormone. It is an antioxidant with “anti-aging” effects, body regulation and improvement of sleep patterns. Taking a supplement with melatonin can improve mood and empathy and, therefore, emotional bonds. The ideal is to take the supplement before going to work – and avoid it before work or an important event.

– Yoga. According to a study conducted at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, yoga stimulates every gland in the body, primarily the pituitary gland and the pineal gland. This causes an experience similar to the hallucinogen dimethyltryptamine (DMT) in ayahuasca.

– DMT –dimethyltryptamine–, also known as the spiritual molecule that is released in the rapid eye movement phase –when we sleep–. The ayahuasca plant also releases DMT. Below we share the surprising benefits of ayahuasca on the body.

The energetic impulses of the pineal gland allow us to enter a geomagnetic flow of the earth as if we were “in tune” with it and, the more aware we become, the greater our ability to manifest our great . Thanks to the connectivity with nature through the pineal gland and the fluidity of our mind-body-sleep, we allow ourselves to be part of a globality and this, consequently, makes us more attentive to unity and seek a more healthy, harmonious and happy.

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