Why does he say he loves me but he’s not with me?

Hello, a few months ago I met a guy, I barely knew him. Until one day? He made a video call: wow I fell in love 😍 and from that day on, we started chatting more…
Every day we made video calls, messages from morning until night.
Audios, photos, I was so happy a few days ago, I started to feel bad. Well, I knew something wasn’t right…

I decided to get the truth out of him, he said it wasn’t true until he confessed it…

He was with someone else, but the one he loves is me. But he got tired, the distance was what tormented him, he was with her but he loved me, he didn’t want me to stop talking to him. He still wanted to know about me until I just told him: It’s because you left me in sight, maybe you already want to talk to me? You know that if I want to talk to you, you know that I love you…
5… You know, stop me from writing, I already have many probables because of you, did I tell you which probables? And he sent me a photo with that woman…

Okay, I’ll stop bothering you, you hurt me a lot.

I blocked him, deleted everything from him,
I do not understand? Because if I was already with her and she was still writing to me nicely, she wouldn’t let me go no matter how much I begged her to stop. She did not do it.
Really love me? Or not, help with this intrigue, it’s killing me

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