Why does a cat meow a lot?

The majesty of cats has made them considered gods, guardians of the dead, predators and mysterious pets; while its elegance has made it appear in numerous legends and myths from different cultures, such as Egyptian, Japanese, Chinese and Scandinavian.

According to an article published in Nature, the lineage of cats began approximately 130,000 years ago from five wild cats, which were associated with man in the Middle East about 10,000 years ago. It is then assumed that the ancestors of domestic animals were abandoning the semi-wild life where they hunted mice, rats and birds, to coexist with the human species and the rodents that inhabited human communities. And the place where feline domestication may have begun was the island of Cyprus, in Greece, about 9,500 years ago.

Eventually, the Egyptians represented these animals as sacred, issuing severe punishments for killing one of them. Bastet was in fact the goddess who was represented with the head of, and who was honored by mummifying each cat that died and the family to which she belonged by shaving her eyebrows. Over time, mainly in the Middle Ages, cats became associated with witches, to the extent that they were sometimes burned alive or thrown from the top of tall buildings during festivities; and they were even blamed for transmitting the bubonic plague, causing them to be exterminated in towns and cities – contributing to the multiplication of the rat population.

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Currently, there are, on the one hand, Catholic “patterns” of felines, such as San Antonio Abad, San Francisco de Asís or San Martín de Porres. On the other hand, in Tibet, cats are guardians of relics and temples; mainly due to the Siamese species that develops on that top of the world. In fact, Tibetan practitioners consider this species as a sacred animal that deserves to be venerated and pampered as it is an obituary companion and part of the subconscious in the state of meditation.

All this, and more, represents our cat who usually prefers to wander in the corners of the house. There are times when he has certainly strange behaviors, such as meowing excessively and constantly. Since we, humans, do not speak the same language as cats, we need a kind of translator to provide this information; For this reason, we have put together a series of causes why a cat meows a lot:

– Have pain. If a cat meows a lot, there is a chance that something hurts. He checks his body and behavior to rule out, first of all, any discomfort or illness. If there are also signs of apathy, lack of movement, little movement, complaints when you touch him or he has received a blow in recent days, the ideal is to take him to the vet.

– He just wants to say hello. When a cat greets effusively, it could be that he is “saying hello” when we just got home, he is waking up from a nap, or we have simply passed by and he stops to say hello. Give him a couple of taps between the ears to return the greeting.

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– He is hungry. Sometimes he wants to eat something specific and you haven’t given it to him, so he chases you around the house with meows; or even meows in front of the refrigerator or cupboard door.

– Wants . Whether they are bored – because they want to play for a while, be petted, sit next to or on us, respond to their conversation, etc. There are times when they simply enjoy human company.

– They need to go out, so they will be meowing in front of a door or window. Or even, they just like the doors to be open even if they don’t even want to go through.

– They are in heat.

– He is stressed, mainly during the visit to the vet.

– He is angry. This is a characteristic meow of stray cats, mainly when they feel very threatened and are ready to attack, start a fight or run away. Fights between cats can be very violent, and even cause serious injuries.

– He doesn’t want to be alone. She is suffering from anxiety about being alone and doesn’t want to be “alone that much.”

– He is lost. When they are in a place that they do not know or recognize, they can meow to warn that they are lost or locked in a drawer.

– You can’t be where you like to be. Mainly because he has encountered obstacles that he cannot jump over or go around, and they prevent him from having access to his bed, food or litter box.

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– His sandbox is dirty. Cats can be extremely careful about cleanliness, so if they don’t like the way their litter is, they’ll let you know.

– He loves his mother –if it is a puppy–. If you have encountered him, you need to provide him with heat, special milk or food, and stimulate him so that he can perform his physiological needs.

– He feels old. You must know how to give the love and care that an older cat requires.