Why can’t I remember what I’m studying – find out what’s really happening

Studying is a demanding task that all students undertake. A common cause of frustration is not memorizing the information studied after the effort invested in the task. There are different everyday reasons why this circumstance may occur. Reasons that we will explain in detail in this very interesting article.

Because identifying the cause is the best way to find a suitable remedy. Why don’t I remember what I study? At Psychology-Online, we list the causes and give you practical advice to improve your academic results through an effective action plan.

It is possible that it has happened to us on some occasion, discover the brakes that affect your academic results:

1. Study at the last minute

It is a common mistake to start reviewing when there are only a few days left until the exam date. Studying in a hurry hinders results, especially in high school or university.

In this case, it is recommended that you establish a study calendar to dedicate an objective amount of time to the different subjects. Invest more time in those subjects that are more complex for you.

2. Learning environment

Some habits can also make understanding difficult. For example, in the era of new technologies, students who sit in front of books, counting on the constant interruption of the mobile phone, feel how these continuous pauses generate dispersed attention that breaks the good rhythm of concentration. The same thing happens when you study with loud music or when you go to the library with some of your classmates and the conversations repeatedly interrupt the main objective.

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Choose a comfortable, quiet place with good lighting. Have on the table only the material that you are going to use at that moment to prepare for that subject.

3. Lack of understanding

Sometimes, students take time to seek help from a private teacher and, in this way, they accumulate ignorance about that subject. This makes it increasingly difficult for the student to concentrate and face the subject with a positive attitude.

This is one of the reasons why it is advisable to attend reinforcement classes at the first signs of difficulty.

Reading difficulties also affect the level of understanding of a sentence. And, therefore, this is a visible brake on study, even in science subjects.

4. Inappropriate habits

The purpose of studying for an exam should not make you forget the most important thing: your own well-being. For example, taking care of your rest, diet, practicing physical exercise and cultivating free time. Your energy level is not infinite and the brain is not a machine.

5. Mood

When a person experiences a period of intense sadness, this level of discomfort marked by worries alters the student’s disposition in studying in a natural way. In this type of situation, you have to make an extra effort to focus on books as teachers well know.

Personal circumstances also affect academic results without this meaning that the student is not involved.