What is the true meaning of black cats

This is why it is important to note that the cat is not only related to the world of evil, but also occupies a special place in esotericism.

But what spiritual meaning do black cats have in ancient times, in the Middle Ages and today?


The ancient civilization of Egypt considered the cat sacred.

What was the meaning of black cats in ancient times?

The ancient civilization of Egypt considered the cat sacred and worshiped it as a god and even mummified it.

Sanskrit texts speak of their place in Indian life two thousand five hundred years ago. Also the Chinese philosopher Confucius, who lived at that time, protected this animal and had one in his company. He was also fond of Islam: in the 5th century, Muhammad preached holding one in his arms.

In Japan, pagodas lived to protect manuscripts from the voracity of mice. At that time, the fact that a cat crossed a person’s path brought good luck.


Black cats were associated with witchcraft and magic.

What was the meaning of black cats in the Middle Ages?

Throughout the European Middle Agesblack cats began to inspire distrust because they were greedy, inclined to steal, stubborn and, above all, because their proliferation in cities was annoying.

The stray cats, fed by old women, saw in that cat/old woman association a negative binomial, even more so when the cat was black and short-haired. Besides, It was associated with witchcraft and magic.

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This accumulation of things turned a once prestigious animal into a despicable being. At the end of the Middle Ages they were hunted to such an extent that they were almost in danger of extinction.


Depending on the culture and countries, black cats are omens of good or bad luck.

What is the meaning of black cats today?

Depending on the culture and countries, black cats are omens of good or bad luck. In countries of Europe and in Asia, black cats are a good omen, in others there is a belief that the way and direction in which they walk has great relevance in relation to good luck.

In United Kingdom, coming across a black cat on the street means that you will be lucky in life, while in Japan black michis mean that you will find the love of your life.

The sailors of Europe They believe that a black cat as a stowaway will give them a safe trip; The Scots believe that they will have prosperity if a cat appears on their doorstep or porch. In France It is believed that something “magical” will happen if a person encounters a black kitten.

In many parts of the world, including USA, If a white cat crosses someone on the road or if the black cat walks in the opposite direction, it means good luck.


From an esoteric point of view, black cats have a spiritual meaning of providing protection.

What is the spiritual meaning of black cats

From the esoteric point of view, the black cat has a spiritual meaning of providing protection; It is considered to defend its owner even from paranormal dangers and detect negative incorporeal presences.

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It is also considered to be able to predict the immediate future, since it is an animal endowed with psychic powers. Having it as a pet can even encourage clairvoyance and even stimulate intuition.

The clear eyes of black cats symbolize, in the esoteric and spiritual world, the way one sees things and the need to grow not only materially, but also spiritually towards other planes of consciousness.