What is the spiritual meaning of seeing a hummingbird?

In the Mayan culture it is said that they were created by the gods from a jade arrow, which they blew to release this beautiful creature with the task of carrying thoughts and desires from one place to another. It is because of that

The Guaraní, native groups of northern Argentina and Paraguay, believe that death is not the end of life. The soul detaches and flies to hide in a flower waiting for a magical being. This wonderful entity is the hummingbird, a bird that has the job of taking these souls to paradise.


Hummingbirds symbolize love and the joy of life.

Different meanings of seeing a hummingbird

Hummingbirds symbolize love and joy in life. They are considered messengers of divine beings because it is believed that they can enter different dimensions.

Due to their physiognomy and way of living, they are associated with lightness, so when you see one it means that you must strip yourself away and free yourself from all the things that do not make you happy and that are a burden, according to an article in Aura Mística.

Likewise, they symbolize our ability to adapt (these birds are the only ones that can fly backwards), being willing to see the steps we have taken to look at things from another perspective. They are also associated with tenacity, resilience, persistence, happiness and authenticity.

When a hummingbird visits your house it means it carries a message of joy and hope.; If he approaches you it means that you are a person full of joy and you should enjoy every moment of your life. In addition, a new challenge will come, but you will triumph if you face it with a positive attitude.

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Another spiritual interpretation of seeing a hummingbird refers to the visit of a loved one after their death, in these cases, it brings a message of reconciliation and is saying goodbye.


  • Find a hummingbird It is not a coincidence and can bring many positive things.
  • It is a dose of joy even a message from a loved one who is no longer here.
  • Hummingbirds were even mentioned in the Bible like messengers from heaven, gently nudging us to move forward and release the burden of people or things from the past that can no longer be part of our lives.
  • One of the most beautiful meanings given to them comes from a ancient mayan legend which states that a hummingbird will appear after the death of a loved one, as a sign that he managed to reach the other side and is fine.
  • Some people also see them as signs of angelsreminding us that we should follow what makes us happy and enjoy the present moment.

This hummingbird looks for nectar in the middle of a storm | National Geographic Spain

How long does a hummingbird live?

The Life expectancy of the hummingbird It is 3 to 5 years, although it can be increased depending on the species in question. In captivity they usually have a short lifespan due to the high stress that confinement causes them.

What do hummingbirds do at night?

Once the sun begins to set, the hummingbirds They increase their diet to prepare for their night’s sleep. They sleep soundly like a bear that goes into hibernation during the winter, but they do it every night.

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Reproduction and life cycle of hummingbirds

With the intention of attracting the attention of the female, the male He performs a dance to woo her. After being fertilized, the female builds a nest as small as an eraser. It is made up of moss, cotton, spider web…

After laying two eggs, she incubates them for 14 to 19 days. After the babies are born, they are fed for 3 to 4 weeks. The female He usually goes to the nest more than 140 times a day to carry out this task.

More information about the hummingbird