What is Eucalyptus for: the infusion with expectorant properties, ideal for treating colds

Although in recent months numerous scientists and nutritionists have made an effort on social networks to try to get the idea that there is no magic recipe for losing weight beyond the fact that the only way to lose weight in a healthy way is to fall into a caloric deficit, today some studies with proven efficacy have discovered that There are some infusions that can help you in a task that is not easy today, especially if you take into account that we live in a time of confinement in which it is more than difficult to take a single minute to exercise.

Although in recent months numerous scientists and nutritionists have made an effort on social networks to try to get the idea that there is no magic recipe for losing weight beyond the fact that the only way to lose weight in a healthy way is to fall into a caloric deficit, today some studies with proven efficacy have discovered that There are some infusions that can help you in a task that is not easy today, especially if you take into account that we live in a time of confinement in which it is more than difficult to take a single minute to exercise.

For all this, here we recommend one of the most requested infusions: eucalyptus. It is not a native plant of our region, although it has acclimatized in such a way that it is very difficult to separate it from our landscape. It is a tree from which the adult leaves (cladodes) are used, very rich in essential oil, which, although it varies from one species to another, is usually rich in eucalyptol, a triterpene with antiseptic, expectorant, balsamic, decongestant, and febrifuge properties. , and bronchodilators. These conditions make this plant very useful in diseases of the respiratory system such as bronchitis, sinusitis, flu… It is, in fact, one of the best known and used plants for this purpose. Traditionally, when charcoal stoves were present in most of the houses in our region, it was common in the winter season to perceive that aroma of eucalyptus soaking all the corners of many houses. In very sensitive and hyperreactive people, care must be taken, since it could, contrary to what normally happens, present an effect that we could call paradoxical, causing bronchospasm and congestion.

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A recent study has shown that a significant number of overweight people who drank this infusion or any of its extracts lost more weight than those who did not drink it. In addition, and what is almost more important for scientific studies on weight loss, many of those who managed to reduce the numbers on the scale attacked obesity precisely where it most interested them: in abdominal fat, which was the one that reduced the most. of all.

If something worries as much in the female sex as that, it is undoubtedly the belly. It is there where many look when they want to lose weight although this summer there is not much beach to show off.