The four infusions that help you reduce high blood sugar levels

Blood glucose is an element of the body that must always be kept under control. If it is not within certain values, considered normal, it can have serious consequences. We are talking, of course, about developing diabetes.

Hyperglycemia occurs mainly after a certain age and with a totally unbalanced lifestyle and diet. After the age of 50, medical check-ups must be periodic because the body changes, prepares to age and we must try to prevent certain conditions. In addition to going to the doctor and nutritionist, there are certain foods that can help.

Below, we look at some drinks that can help reduce blood levels to prevent certain diseases, or to keep diabetes under control if it is already present.

The 4 drinks that can help us

To keep blood levels under control, these drinks that we list below can be valuable allies.

ginseng tea

Ginseng is a root that can be made into a tea. Ginseng tea can stimulate the body’s sensitivity to insulin. Insulin then allows better absorption of glucose. To prepare an infusion, simply cut a ginseng root, soak it in boiling water for 5 minutes, and drink it.

Cinnamon tea

According to recent studies, cinnamon is able to improve glucose absorption and can improve insulin sensitivity. It also acts as a perfect anti-inflammatory. You can use cinnamon powder or soak a branch of this spice.

mango infusion

It’s not about the fruit, but about the mango leaves. These can be very valuable to the body because they stimulate the production of insulin. After taking these leaves, which can be soaked (ten leaves in a liter of water), blood sugar levels drop.

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Fruit juice with flaxseed

Flaxseeds also help keep blood sugar in check. In addition, they are rich in vitamins, minerals and omega 3, antioxidants and have an excellent anti-inflammatory effect. It is advised to take them before meals to keep blood pressure under control and facilitate digestion.

They are valuable natural aids in their own right. However, if you have blood sugar problems, the first thing you should do is talk to your doctor about what and how much to eat and drink.