What is an EXTROVERT person and their characteristics

You probably know one or more extroverted people in your life, even if you think you are one of them. The first to work with terms such as extroversion and introversion was the psychologist Carl G. Jung, who defined the extroverted person as that individual who was characterized by having a marked interest in his environment, his social life and his experiences. he obtained through the external events that happened to him more than the internal ones. An extrovert is one who loves to socialize and, in fact, feels a kind of need to do so. These types of people usually surround themselves with many others and make friends easily, they love changes and challenges and generally will always have a quick response to almost any situation.

But what characterizes extroverted people? In this Psicologia-Online article: What is an extroverted person and their characteristics We are going to inform you in more detail about this topic.

Below we will show what the main characteristics of extroverted people are:

  • Impulsiveness: These are people who generally tend to be impulsive, to make decisions and take actions at the moment, without thinking too much about it.
  • Sociability: They love to be surrounded by people, continually attend social gatherings such as parties and meetings, and tend to have many friends.
  • Optimism: generally extroverted people are positive and optimistic about the situations that occur in their lives.
  • Aggressiveness: sometimes they can be aggressive since they have very little tolerance for frustration.
  • Strong emotions: they tend to take risks when it comes to doing new things and undertaking projects despite the fear and uncertainty that this may generate.
  • Carefree: they tend to act in a relaxed manner in situations that could be stressful and generally tend to feel calmer when they begin to resolve them.
  • Assertiveness: having many social skills, they tend to be more assertive people since they know how to communicate what they think and feel in the best way to others.
  • Energy: These are people who are generally quite active who love to be doing new things and being constantly on the move.
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Below we mention what they are The main differences that exist between the and an extrovert.

  • Extroverted people tend to be quite impulsive because make decisions quickly and ease.
  • Introverted people take their time to make their own decisions and are usually quite thoughtful and analytical.
  • Extroverted people are usually active and love to be on the move.
  • Introverted people tend more towards the passivity.
  • Extroverted people enjoy interacting with other people and love to socialize.
  • Introverted people really enjoy their time alone with themselves and don’t usually have many friends.
  • Extroverted people can be aggressive at times, especially when they cannot handle the frustration that a situation produces in them.
  • Introverted people try to avoid situations where there may be some type of conflict.
  • Extroverted people feel the need to be around people because they feel better about themselves.
  • Introverts don’t need others to feel good about themselves.
  • Extroverted people have a special taste for strong emotions.
  • Introverts dislike strong emotions.
  • Extroverted people tend to be optimistic and optimistic.
  • It is easier than an introvert fall into pessimism.

If you are wondering right now which is better, whether to be an extrovert or an introvert, the answer would be: it all depends. It is true that today in society much more importance and value is given to a person being extroverted since, for example, in many jobs it is an essential requirement to have “Gift of people”, knowing how to work as a team and relate well to others.

In fact, it is said that extroverted people tend to be very successful in the workplace and in society due to their highly developed abilities. However, this does not mean that being an introvert has less value or that because of this the person cannot fulfill himself or herself. feel full. For example, although the introverted person has much fewer friends than the extroverted person, they will feel quite comfortable and satisfied because they are people who focus their attention on the quality of their relationships and not the quantity.

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It may also be that an introverted person is very happy in their job since they are doing what they love and are passionate about and it will not cause them any type of envy or conflict to see how another extroverted person feels recognized and surrounded by many others.

Finally, we can reach the conclusion that both introverted and extroverted people can become happy already. have the emotional well-being they need if they wish. Just as an extrovert may be happy by going partying every weekend, an introvert may prefer to stay home alone to read and fully enjoy it.

How to know if I am an extroverted person

Now that you know what an extroverted person is like and their characteristics, it is normal for you to wonder if you are an extroverted person or not. To find out these personality traits, you can do the following.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.