What happens if a WOMAN hasn’t had RELATIONSHIPS in a long time?

The vast majority of people, due to one situation or another, usually have times in their lives when they do not have sexual relations. When we find ourselves in these periods of sexual abstinence, both men and women wonder what the consequences will be of not having sexual relations for a certain time.

In this Online Psychology article, we inform you of What happens if a woman doesn’t have sex for a long time?if it is normal to feel pain after a long time without having sex and it is normal to bleed when having sex after a long time.

How long can a woman go without having sex?

Women can go without having sex as long as they decidesince having sexual relations must be a free and voluntary decision, but what happens if a woman does not have sexual relations for a long time?

Sexual relations are understood as the set of sexual practices, both as a couple (intercourse) and individually (masturbation), which are usually part of a healthy lifestyle. For this reason, some experts in sexology do point out that not having sexual relations for more than 3 months can have negative consequences, both for our physical and mental health.

What happens if you don’t have sex in a long time?

Not having sexual relations for a long time can have different repercussions on our lives. Next, we will see the main consequences of not having sex:

  • Weakening of the immune system: Exposure to illnesses, such as colds or flu, more frequently.
  • Difficulties when having sexual relations.
  • Increased menstrual pain due to the reduction of uterine contractions produced during sexual relations.
  • Greater chance of suffering from heart disease: The balance of estrogen and progesterone is reduced,
  • regulated by sexual activity.
  • Difficulties controlling the level of stress and/or anxiety. If it happens to you, in this article you will find information about .
  • Difficulty getting to sleepdue to the lack of release of oxytocin and endorphins produced by the sexual act.
  • Decreased libido and interest in sex in general.
  • Disconnection with the couple by eliminating the sexual bond. For these cases, we recommend this article on .

Is it normal to feel pain after a long time without having sex?

Satisfaction and comfort in sexual relations It depends on our vaginal health, since vaginal problems can affect sexual desire, fertility and/or the ability to achieve orgasm. The vagina is a muscular and elastic cavity that is part of the female genital, which changes state depending on its activity, and extends from the vulva to the cervix.

When the vagina is at rest it tends to fold and when it is active, in situations of intercourse, excitement, or childbirth, it relaxes. Thus, when a woman has not had sexual relations for a long time, her vagina remains folded, which can lead to appearance of various vaginal problems which can cause pain in future sexual relations. Among the possible problems that may appear, the following should be highlighted:

  • vaginal atrophy or inflammation of the vaginal walls.
  • Decreased elasticity of vaginal tissues.
  • Vaginal muscle weakness and the pelvic floor.
  • Reduction of the natural lubrication of the vagina.

Is it normal to bleed when having sex after a long time?

Postcoital bleeding can be a normal symptom after not having sex for a long time, since vaginal dryness can occur as a consequence of sexual abstinence. This dryness can cause friction or wounds on the vaginal walls during penetration. Therefore, slight bleeding could appear during or after intercourse.

Even so, bleeding during sexual relations can also be an indication of problems in our vaginal health. In fact, there are various reasons that may favor the appearance of vaginal bleeding. Let’s see which ones:

  • Intense sexual relations that cause blood vessels to break.
  • Pelvic inflammatory diseases.
  • .
  • Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
  • Fibroids or uterine polyps.
  • Hormonal problems.
  • Uterine cancer
  • .

So, if you experience recurring pain or bleed constantly due to sexual intercourse, consult with a gynecological professional to solve it as soon as possible before it can become a more serious and irreversible problem. Whenever a problem arises that could negatively affect or limit your health, whether physical, psychological or sexual, go to a specialist who can give you truthful instructions based on scientific evidence.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Cachafeiro, A., & Rodrigáñez, C. (2005). Women’s sexuality. Ekintza Zuzena Magazine, 25, 1-10. Available at: https://www.legisver.gob.mx/equidadNotas/publicacionLXIII/Ana%20Cachafeiro,%20Casilda%20Rodrig%C3%A1%C3%B1ez%20-%20La%20sexualidad%20de%20la%20mujer.pdf
  • Faus-Bertomeu, A., & Gómez-Redondo, R. (2017). Sociocultural determinants of female sexual desire: Sociocultural Determinants of Female Sexual Desire. Reis: Spanish Journal of Sociological Research, 61-78. Available at: https://www.jstor.org/stable/26382387
  • Haya, J., García-Arad, Á., López De La Manzanara, C., Balawi, M., & Haya, L. (2011). Lactic acid and vaginal health. Journal of Toco-Gynecology, 26, 1-11. Available at: https://arafarma.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Acido-l%C3%A1ctico-y-salud-vaginal.pdf
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