What essence or aroma works to combat stress?

There are a series of aromas, essences or fragrances that, thanks to the effect they have on the brain, reduce stress levels. Which are?

What is the relationship between aromas and stress? highlighted that a scientific study published in the journal ““proved that the smell of lemon, orange, basil, mango, lavender, cinnamon and Other plant-based fragrances modify gene activity and blood chemistry to the point that they reduce stress levels.

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These substances contain linalool, a terpene with an alcohol group, whose natural form is common in many flowers and aromatic plants. It is present in more than 200 plants.

Researcher Akio Nakamura and his Japanese colleagues showed that When inhaled, the elevated levels of neutrophils and lymphocytes that lead to stress are restored to almost normal values.. In addition, it reduces the activity of more than 100 genes linked to anxiety and nervousness.

How to use it?

Through the aromatherapy and massages. In the case of the first, Essential oils are extracted from various plants, fruits or flowers, heated and evaporated. In this last process they emit an aroma that helps the body relax and improve the emotional and physical state of the person.

While in massages the oil is used on the body as anti-stress therapy.

How does it work?

El Clarín explains that: “olfactory cells are connected by nerve extensions to our brain. The sense of smell is what continually exposes us to all types of environmental fragrances, and allows our brain to be under the influence of different aromas. Thus, it is possible to stimulate and promote a beneficial state of relaxation by smelling them.”.

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Certain smells or aromas help release the chemicals in the brain that provide the “alpha” state. This blocks the overdose of adrenaline, the main cause of nervous states.. In this way, some essences become natural, economical and simple allies with which you can regulate a healthy mental and emotional state.

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How to use them?

The best place to use them is at home. Can Find a space where you go when you need to calm your thoughts or reduce stress. Use a humidifier and an oil with the fragrances mentioned above to achieve this.

Experts from recommend Use it at bath time by adding six drops of essential oil to your sponge or scrubber and spread it all over your body. In the end you will notice the effects of the oil immediately.

Another option is Dissolve those six drops in two tablespoons of carrier oil and apply the mixture to bare skin before entering the shower. Breathe in the aroma that your skin gives off and relax.

You can too Inhale it and calm your nerves, stress or anxiety. Add two to four drops of the oil to hot water in a container, cover your head with a towel and place it over the mixture for a maximum of five minutes.. During inhalations, do not open your eyes. This way of taking advantage of essential oils is not suitable for people who suffer from asthma.

To read:

Other aromas to manage stress:
  1. The aroma of coffee stimulates the production of antioxidants that weaken anxiety states.
  2. The vanilla provides relaxation beneficial that invites you to enjoy a restful sleep.
  3. He Lily of the valley stimulates the appearance of alpha waves to free ourselves from irritability and anxiety.
  4. He jasminehe laurelhe sandalwoodthe lavender and the pink help to to mitigate the processes of stress and anxiety.
  5. The Honey and the cypress improve concentration and relieve tension by optimizing the perception capacity of the senses.
  6. The mint help to clear your mind and encourages the development of creativity and imagination.
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