Boiled frog syndrome What is this parable about?

It is a way of making people understand how serious and dangerous it can be to accommodate dangerous situations such as, for example, climate change.

The point is that if someone puts a frog in boiling water, it will want to escape immediately or it will die there. However, if it is placed in water at normal temperature, but the water is gradually heated, the frog will remain calm and die without realizing it.

“This fable by Olivier Clerc, unfortunately turned into a real experiment that showed that if the water is heated by 1.2 degrees every hour and the frog remains in the water, it dies, highlights the dangers of overadaptation, the conformity and lack of internal contact,” explains .

Boiled frog syndrome is, then, consciously or unconsciously adapting to situations, people or relationships that are harmful and that in some way disadvantage the mental, emotional or physical well-being of an individual.

Actions that can cause boiled frog syndrome

  • Minimize problems.
  • Hope without foundations.
  • Resignation.
  • Dependence.
  • Lack of self-knowledge.

It should be noted that this syndrome is sometimes confused with positive themes such as acceptance or empathy. This, of course, is making a mistake.

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