What does it mean to see a black feather

The universe and its energies will always appear to warn you of what awaits you. Most of the time, when the universe tells you about danger, it wants you to attract good things to give you courage, protection and wisdom.

In its most basic meaning, since they come from birds that fly close to the sky. But they can also represent a sign of a loved one who is no longer on the physical plane. They send their presence, their hug, their feelings.


What does it mean to see a black feather

Black feather, spiritual meaning


  • The black feather in many native and indigenous communities is considered the last sign of protection. Many women placed a necklace of black feathers around their children’s necks in the hope that it would provide them with protection and security.
  • If you feel insecure in your daily life, seeing a black feather could be a sign that you are being protected by a higher power.
  • Many believe it is from deceased family members, who are watching over you from a higher place, others believe it is God, some even believe it is a message from their future selves, letting them know that they will be okay.
  • Whatever it is, take a deep breath and know that you will be okay.

Arcane Knowledge

  • By channeling the energy of shamans and leaders who worship the black feather, it is believed to be a sign that you are a possessor of arcane knowledge.
  • This is knowledge that is known to very few, reserved only for the most open-minded and connected. Visualizing a black feather in your dreams or in your meditation practice could be a symbol that you possess some powerful knowledge about yourself or the world around you.
  • This is a great symbol that you should be proud of. Take note of what happens in your life when you visualize the pen and be sure to write down your thoughts and feelings.
  • Observe the world around you and continue to evolve and expand your learning. Spend more time in nature as many spiritual and important messages can be found when you are in nature without distractions.
  • Many advise expanding your practice and knowledge to many other topics. Many spiritual beings are not only knowledgeable in their chosen practice, but in many other practices (even if they do not agree with or participate in them).
  • Learning about different cultures and practices will give you an open mind and a sense of the world you live in. Take the time to ask questions if there are resources and people available to you, and continue to gather knowledge.
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What does it mean to see a black feather


  • Black feathers have long been used to adorn the headdresses of shamans and sacred leaders. The black feather is also commonly used in rituals and sacred ceremonies. It is commonly regarded as a universal symbol of great wisdom, particularly in the sense of spiritual and otherworldly wisdom.
  • If you encounter black feathers in your daily life it is not something you should ignore. It is a very intentional symbol that can point out something important.
  • It encourages you to tune into your inner wisdom and work through any situation you find yourself in with a sense of your higher self. This mystical wisdom will put you on a higher path, beyond small worries or material things.
  • Many mystical elders advise meditating and engaging with your third eye if you encounter a black feather. Work through any distractions and try to focus on your higher self.

The divine

  • The black feather is considered a symbolic representation of the divine spirit looking down on you. Regardless of how you practice your own spirituality, anything you interpret as a divine figure can apply to this interpretation.
  • What this means for you is that you are connecting with your spiritual self, and acting in a way that is in line with those values.
  • If you see black feathers in a dream, or feel anxiety after seeing a black feather, it may be a message from your higher self that you are not connected to that version of yourself. If this is the case, don’t panic.
  • The pen is there to serve as a friendly, gentle reminder that you need to work on that part of yourself. By meditating and doing things that serve you and your own version of spirituality, you will feel more at ease and in harmony with yourself.
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Warning from the ancestors

  • In many indigenous groups, the spiritual connection with their ancestors is always present in their daily lives. Dreaming about black feathers is considered to be a warning sign from your ancestors.
  • If you have recurring dreams about black feathers or repeatedly encounter representations of black feathers, spend some time evaluating your current situation.
  • Maybe you’re in a tumultuous relationship, or maybe you’re about to sign on to complete a degree that deep down you know you don’t want to do.
  • Whatever it is, think carefully about the decisions you are making and try to understand if they will result in your happiness.
  • Try approaching older members of your family, or any indigenous elders around you, for guidance on how to connect with your ancestors.