What do owls eat and how they feed

Its unusual appearance, peculiar song, and deep breathing that resembles that of a person, have enveloped the owl in an aura of mystery, making it the protagonist of all kinds of false legends.

It is even one of the most mistreated birds since the world began, because many times they are the object of “witchcraft” and other times they are killed by humans to prevent the legend from being fulfilled and causing chaos in the home.

What do owls feed on?

This bird is the best rodenticide of all time. That’s how it is, owls eat mice. A family of owls can capture more than a hundred rats and mice a week.

Although it is said that they feed on any animal, this is not the case. Their prey is usually small.

In addition to eating rats, it feeds on voles, shrews, baby rabbits, other mammals, certain types of small birds, lizards, insects and, rarely, frogs or fish.


Owls have vision adapted to the night, their most developed sense is hearing.

What does the owl feed on?

The analysis of the pellets of the owl reveals that its diet is very varied and it hunts practically everything that crosses its domain: foxes, martens, mongooses, domestic cats and other birds of prey. However, in the Iberian Peninsula their most common prey are rabbits, rats and small birds, due to their abundance.

In a confrontation between a cat and an owl, The owl inflates its plumage and spreads its wings as a defense mechanismtrying to make his opponent give up the confrontation.

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The domestic cat, which is a potential prey for the bird, is not intimidated despite the sharp claws and beak that its opponent carries, capable of crushing the skull of its usual prey. The confrontation seems inevitable.

This bird is capable of killing and feeding on other predators that it eliminates, competitors when it comes to hunting, not allowing the presence of any of them in its territory.