What benefits does walking 6,000 steps a day have for our health?

If we look at the wrists of the people around us with a simple turn of the head, we will see that the use of smartwatches has multiplied. Watches that allow us to see mobile messages, the weather forecast and the number of steps we take daily.

Reaching a certain number of steps daily has become a challenge for many. And, without forgetting that all obsession is bad, reaching 6,000 steps a day has many health benefits.

Doing any physical exercise is essential to maintain health and prevent the appearance of , the leading cause of mortality worldwide for 20 years according to WHO data.

Practicing sport moderately and constantly is a good option to take care of physical and mental health. But, due to time or lack of will or desire, this is not always possible.

And in these cases the best option is to walk daily. A physical activity that is easy to integrate into most lifestyles since it does not require great efforts, a specific physical condition or a specific outfit except for sports clothes and shoes.

Another advantage of walking is that it can be done anywhere. In addition, it is the most suitable practice for those people who have just started playing sports, are overweight or suffer from joint problems.

Making physical activity a habit is essential to ensure a good quality of life.

Walking does not require great efforts or a specific physical condition.

What are the benefits of taking 6,000 steps a day?

Sanitas health experts have drawn up a list of the main health benefits of taking 6,000 steps a day:

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• Helps control the appearance of diseases such as hypertension or diabetes and avoids long-term complications if the person already has the disease.

• Reduces bad (LDL) and triglycerides. And, in addition, it helps to increase HDL cholesterol (known as “good” cholesterol).

• Reduces blood pressure because walking facilitates the dilation of blood vessels and the transport of oxygen.

• Increases aerobic physical capacity, since the muscles are exercised, which gives a feeling of resistance and well-being.

• Walking regularly favors the increase in bone density.

• Helps maintain a healthy weight. Of course, as long as it is combined with a balanced diet.

• Improves the vascularization of the heart, preventing the onset of heart disease and promoting longevity.

• Promotes intestinal mobility avoiding constipation and hemorrhoids.

• Cardiovascular exercise reduces stress, anxiety and improves our mood.

psychological benefits

But not only physically, walking also has a very positive impact on an emotional level. The first of them is that it improves the quality of sleep. “Moderate sport is healthy and is not excessively active, causing some fatigue, which helps us relax and sleep better. In any case, it is advisable to practice it at least two hours before going to bed,” he explains. Delia Garciapsychologist of.

This in turn contributes to increasing the feeling of well-being. “The release of endorphins helps to reduce stress levels or negative feelings such as anxiety and day-to-day worries. It also increases and strengthens self-confidence and self-esteem, essential aspects to be able to face everyday situations, and improves social relationships. In addition, it prevents the deterioration of cognitive abilities such as memory” adds the psychologist.

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