What are emotional goals?

Having goals in life is essential, in fact, the moment a person does not have them, they remain stagnant and still from an emotional point of view. Without a doubt, there are also moments of rest, transition periods that have to be respected since they are necessary. However, the spirit ages to the extent that the enthusiasm to achieve new goals and fulfill desires wanes.

It is important to always maintain the path towards happiness and the pursuit of small goals that make us feel more fulfilled. In this Psychology-Online article, we will emphasize the importance of emotional education and try to describe What are emotional objectives?

Emotional goals: definition

We have all heard about the goals in life, those that we have set since childhood and that we repeat over and over again that we have to achieve: get a good job, a stable partner, have a big car and many children. However, are these the objectives that really fulfill us? To know what emotional objectives are, first of all, we must focus on each one of us, acquire a better knowledge of our own emotions and discover those goals that we want to achieve to feel harmony within ourselves.

An emotional goal is a goal that we set for ourselves in order to feel betterry more united to our true nature, it is a concept closely linked to education and emotional intelligence. Both terms are very important in the development of social skills during childhood, adolescence and adulthood. We can only acquire optimal mental health if we are faithful to what really gives us happiness and stability, that is, to be psychologically healthy we must pursue our emotional goals.

Types of emotional goals

Emotional objectives can be many and very varied, they mostly depend on each person and their social context. Here you have Some examples:

  • Improve the level of self-esteem
  • Have more control in the face of anger
  • Being able to endure adversity with strength
  • Increase the degree of empathy in social relationships
  • Have more friends
  • Express affection better
  • Be more generous with family
  • Prioritize personal life over work

The plurality of emotional objectives is explained by the same variety in personalities, each individual has their own motivations and only he or she knows exactly what can make them feel better about themselves.

What are your goals?

Once we have learned to differentiate between the objectives that society instills in us and our emotional objectives, it is important to choose well those paths that we really want to take. To do this, we have to carry out serious work of personal knowledge and introspection. This work will also enhance intelligence and emotional education.

To discover what your goals are, you have to look inside yourself, find a space for silence and calm. In this way, no external agent can alter your internal dialogue. There, where the truth about yourself is. Writing is also a very effective introspection tool, so you can write down on paper those things that are important to you.

Talk to your close friends

Likewise, in deep and sincere conversations with trusted friends, the truth about oneself, about the level of happiness and about one’s own life also flows. On the other hand, once you have achieved a goal that is important to you, you have to celebrate it, feel happy and reward yourself to truly value what you have achieved. Emotional goals are invisiblehowever, they feel real.

Objectives and contents of emotional education

Emotional education is fundamental in the pursuit of our real objectives; it is defined as a model aimed at improving individual knowledge of our emotions, the ability to control them and face life.


Emotional education is made up of different pillars that help us generate good learning. The purpose of said content is to improve social relationships, find personal satisfaction, take advantage of free time and work to achieve proper health. He social skills development It is one of the fundamental pillars, with this work, we can achieve a social support network in life that can help us continue on our path.

Another of the fundamental contents in emotional education is the ability to Problem resolution: Being able to foresee conflicts, find appropriate solutions and avoid altercations will allow us to focus more and better on our emotional objectives.


During learning in emotional education, a series of guidelines and objectives must also be established aimed at making this process as effective as possible. These objectives will be based on the following guidelines:

  1. Know and identify our own emotions better
  2. Identify the emotions and concerns of others
  3. Develop
  4. Learn to generate positive emotions
  5. Educate in conflict resolution

In short, emotional education is the basis for establishing our emotional objectives. As the years go by and the development of our personality develops, we will be able to achieve a lasting and stable state of happiness and personal satisfaction.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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