Have you felt that something in your life has changed? Have you noticed that your relationships, thoughts and perspectives are no longer the same as before? Have you felt disconnected or uncomfortable in situations you used to enjoy? If the answer is yes, you may be experiencing a spiritual awakening.

Although it sounds magical and wonderful, the truth is that the awakening process can be painful and challenging as it often involves challenging old beliefs and thought patterns. As these beliefs are questioned, feelings of anxiety, confusion, and fear may emerge.

Additionally, the awakening process often involves confronting repressed emotions and past trauma, which can be painful and overwhelming. However, it is important to remember that this pain is temporary and can lead to further personal growth and development. It is a path that requires courage, patience and determination.

He spiritual awakening It is not just a “click” and change the channel, but it is a process that has many consequences. During this process, it is normal to lose friends, as you will realize that they no longer “vibrate” at the same frequency as you. It is also normal for you to feel a distance from the people around you, since you will be reflecting on your new way of seeing the world and acting in it.

As we move further into spiritual awakening, we begin to understand the importance of self-observation and self-discovery. We realize that true transformation begins within us, and that everything around us is a reflection of our own being. It is then that we begin to question our values ​​and beliefs, to observe our emotions and thoughts, and to explore our potential beyond what we previously thought possible.


In this process, it is normal for situations of emotional pain to arise, since many times we will have to face aspects of ourselves that we would prefer to ignore. But if we are willing to face that pain and work on ourselves, we will soon begin to experience a sense of inner peace and harmony that will keep us going.

As we progress on our spiritual path, we may discover new interests and hobbies that previously didn’t appeal to us. We will be drawn to places and people that vibrate on the same frequency as we are, and we will begin to see life with a broader and more compassionate perspective. It is also common for us to feel more connected with nature and with the energy that surrounds us.

All this will make you happy, and you will realize how everything fits together and is connected. You will grow up and start to be a better person for yourself and for others. Over time, you will realize that the universe answers you and your existence will take on another rhythm and fragrance. Then, instead of asking, the moments of thanks will come.

How to face this process in the best possible way?

Spiritual awakening is a transformative journey that leads us to discover our true essence and connect with a force greater than ourselves. Although it is not always easy, it can be a very rewarding and enriching path, which will lead us to find a deeper meaning in our lives and in the world around us. Here are some suggestions that can help you face the process of spiritual awakening in the best possible way:

  • Practice meditation and introspection to connect with yourself and better understand your emotions and thoughts.
  • Surround yourself with people who support you in your process of personal and spiritual growth, and let go of those who no longer vibrate on the same frequency as you.
  • Learn to accept and embrace your shadows and negative aspects, and work on your self-transformation.
  • Take time to connect with nature, which will help you feel more in harmony with the world around you.
  • Seek sources of knowledge and wisdom that allow you to better understand the universe and your place in it.
  • Practice gratitude and forgiveness, which will allow you to release negative emotional charges and advance your healing process.

Dedicate time and energy to your process of personal and spiritual growth, and trust that you are on the right path towards a fuller and more meaningful life.

I know that the spiritual awakening phase can be overwhelming, confusing, and painful, but I want you to know that you are strong and capable of overcoming any obstacle that comes your way. You are not alone on this path as there are many people in the world who are going through the same thing as you.

Remember that this process is personal and that there is no “correct” path to follow. Each of us has a unique and personal path to enlightenment and inner peace. Feel free to explore different spiritual practices, meditations, philosophies, and teachings to find what resonates with you.

Growth and change can be painful, but they are also necessary to evolve and become the best version of yourself. Allow yourself to feel your emotions, accept your flaws and weaknesses, and embrace the opportunity to learn and grow each day. Keep an open mind and a loving heart, and soon you will see how everything falls into place.

“Spiritual awakening is the liberation of the false self in us; it is to stop identifying with the thoughts, emotions and desires that make us suffer”. -Eckhart Tolle

By Aleja Bama