VitalAire launches INSPIRA360 for patients with respiratory pathologies

This project will help patients Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) to understand their pathology and improve their quality of life

VitalAireactivity of provision of home care services for chronic patients with respiratory diseases of Air Liquide Healthcare Spainpresents a series of audiovisual content with whom he intends help respiratory patients to better understand the different aspects related to its pathology and its treatment with oxygen or CPAPbut without forgetting the importance of maintaining good life habits that help them improve their state of health, both physical and emotional.

INSPIRA360 makes information available to patients with respiratory pathologies to understand their pathologies and therapies associated with treatment

This project will help patients Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) to understand their pathology and better understand their therapy associated with treatment and habits to improve their quality of life.

The contents are structured into four different themes, through which patients will be able to find out what their pathology consists of and the specific treatment they undergo. In the case of COPD, it would be oxygen therapy and in the OSA it would be CPAP.

In addition, they will be able to solve your doubts about how to use and clean equipment and consumables related to these respiratory therapies, a task that is sometimes difficult without help. These videos also include specific material that illustrates the daily life of these patients with their therapies, in order to maintain healthy lifestyle habits to manage their disease.

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In this line, it is working in a very committed way to achieve a comprehensive vision of its therapies, emphasizing the psychological plane, including content of Emotional Support and conversations with expert patients in the aforementioned pathologies who will accompany them at each stage.

The presentation of this audiovisual project was attended by representatives of the Madrid Society of Pneumology and Thoracic Surgery (pneumomadrid), the Spanish Federation of Associations of Allergic Patients and Respiratory Diseases (FENAER), the Spanish Federation of Neuromuscular Diseases (ASEM) and with physicians specialized in pneumology.

According to Virginia Moors, Head of Marketing TRD and Patient Satisfaction of VitalAire, “INSPIRA360 is the result of our strong commitment to the improvement of monitoring, control and adherence to our home respiratory therapies. For us it is very important to support both healthcare professionals and our respiratory patients to ensure that the prescribed treatments improve the quality of life of patients with COPD and OSA. The audiovisual content that we present today has the objective of positively impacting the health of our patients and their caregivers by offering them valuable content that responds to their doubts and needs”.

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