Viral video: a crane lifted the “world’s largest” snake in the rainforest

The recording shows the enormous reptile trapped in the claw of the crane that lifts it several meters above the ground. Just before the clip ends, the snake slowly moves its head toward the crane’s claw.

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The huge creature is believed to have been discovered by workers clearing a section of rainforest. It has not yet been specified which species this specimen corresponds to, although the boa constrictor is native to this Caribbean island. Until recently it was believed that the maximum length of the boa could reach about 4 meters, a measurement that the specimen found seems to easily exceed.

“How about you just leave it in its habitat alone? Probably the largest snake in the world found when clearing part of the rainforest in Dominica,” protested one user on Twitter who shared the recording.

In became a a post where you can see the guide that a girl made for her grandmother to use the television. This publication generated great tenderness on the part of the users of the social networks.

For many grandparents, actions such as changing the channel with the TV control become a nightmare if it is new. In these cases, the most common thing is to ask for help from relatives and acquaintances of younger generations to help them and teach them how it works again.

His granddaughter made him a guide to using the television

This same thing happened to a grandmother who didn’t know how to go back in the television menu. Although her little granddaughter had already explained it to her more than once, the old woman often forgot and she went back to the girl to solve it. Faced with such a situation, the little girl thought that the best thing was to leave it in writing well explained so that her grandmother could turn to the guide whenever she needed it instead of calling her to solve it every time it was necessary.

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“To exit anything, press ‘back’, and when it says ‘Are you sure you want to exit YouTube?’ press cancel, don’t go out, don’t go out”, the little one began and added that “When you go out you will be able to watch anything on TV”.

But the thing doesn’t stop there, the small sentence guides her along with a heart and saying: “Haora stop breaking my fat balls”, a phrase that has amused all her relatives and that represents thousands of users, yes, always from love and respect to their elders.

The post went viral on Twitter

The guide shared by the little girl’s cousin in Twitter It didn’t take long for it to go viral. In just a couple of days the tweet has reached more than 23,000 ‘likes’ and many have burst out laughing at the unexpected end of the guide. Some words that, coming from a little girl, are hilarious and even tender.

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