Twelve habits you have to change if you really want to lose weight

When you are faced with a decision like lose weight the most important thing is not that you go running to join the gym. Not much less. Playing sports helps, that’s obvious, but it’s not the only important thing. You also have to enter other changes in your life that help you lead a healthier life once and for all without excesses and with health as a goal. And it is that at the moment of truth the fundamental thing is that you change your life to gain well-being, not only to lose weight. That is why in this article we propose if you really want to get rid of those extra kilos that give you a complex. These are, in short, the habits that you have to leave behind if you want to lose weight.

Breakfast in three minutes

You are always in a hurry. You get up when the alarm goes off for the third time, and you do it reluctantly. So much so that you don’t dedicate time to breakfast even though you’ve been hearing all your life that this is “the main meal of the day”. Well that has to change. Eating breakfast is more than important and that’s why you have to do it calmly. There are three products that will take you five minutes to prepare (or much less) and that will also help you not to be hungry in the middle of the morning. You only have to get up ten minutes earlier.

weigh yourself every little bit

Losing weight is a matter of patience and perseverance. You don’t have to weigh yourself every little bit. Moreover, it is better that the changes are long-term. If they are short-term, you will fall into miracle diets and other ways to lose weight that will generate a significant “rebound effect” and you will look even worse than before you started losing weight. .

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Go up to your floor by elevator

When you get home you live in a room or in a second don’t take the elevator. Do you want to lose weight and gain health right? Well, then it’s much better to take the stairs. It is a very healthy exercise with which many muscles of the body are put into operation. The first days you will come home out of breath but little by little you will notice how your physical and mental state improves

Late dinner

Dinner is the last meal of the day. It is assumed that those calories that you gain with what you eat at the last minute are no longer going to be spent, so you have to have a light dinner and soon (not so soon that you get hungry before going to sleep, but not half an hour before going to bed). in bed). In addition, going to bed after having digested will help you fall asleep much more restful. Normally when you go to bed after dinner you can even have nightmares.

Do you know what the Italian trick to lose weight is? Walk 15 minutes right after each meal. This is how Italians manage not to gain weight. The reason is simple: by not lying on the sofa, they help the body spend the calories it is generating with digestion. A little walk or washing the dishes will help you not fall into temptation.


The old axiom that if you go hungry you are losing weight has already been false by hundreds of nutritionists. Specialists in this field are clear: to show off you don’t have to suffer. It is better that you become aware of changing your life and that you take steps in favor of your health than making the decision to make your body suffer. Going hungry for 10 days will only cause you to experience an unwanted rebound effect later if you really want to lose weight.

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Eating “fake” or “not real” food

Real food has become fashionable. And it’s simply about looking again at the labels of what you buy. No fast food or takeaway. Spend time in the kitchen. Your health (and even your pocket) will thank you.

Drink soft drinks and alcohol

It is a small effort but you will notice a big change. If you put sugary soft drinks aside and go to the “zero” range, you will be able to notice the loss of up to five kilos in a month. Alcohol is also an enemy if you want to lose weight. Also, as you get older, it becomes more harmful to your health, so it is better that you leave it behind as soon as possible.

eat between meals

It is a highly unadvisable habit if you want to lose weight but if you also hold up the vending machine at work then it is already the worst decision you could make. If your working day is too long and you have to stop mid-morning or mid-afternoon to eat something, we have the ideal solution for you: take fruit or 30 grams of nuts to the office. (There are scientific studies that prove it: with only 30 grams a day you can lose weight).

Go by car for short trips

As the price of gasoline is getting (at all-time highs), it is normal that you want to leave the car at home. Well now you have the perfect excuse. whatDid you know that according to the World Health Organization you have to take 15,000 steps a day to maintain a healthy lifestyle? Well, you already know: leave the car at home whenever your journey takes half an hour on foot.

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Dedicate little time and importance to sleep

Normally we sleep little and badly. We don’t have time and we don’t dedicate the importance it deserves to rest. It is a fundamental part of your day and that is why we recommend that you download an application that notifies you when you have to turn off the TV or stop talking and go to sleep. But not only for your quality of work, but also to face the day with energy and lose weight.

sugar for everything

You don’t have to add sugar to dessert, coffee, chocolate… There are alternatives. Remember that several organizations are warning of the large number of diseases that we are going to have to face in the future due to the excess consumption of sugar that we are making in numerous products.

don’t drink water

You have to drink more water. Up to two liters a day. In addition to filling you up before meals, water will improve your health and your intestinal transit. Try taking a bottle of water with you to work, at least 750 milliliters, and propose to drink it whole. Water is not only good for health, it is also necessary.