Twelve foods you have to buy if you want to lose weight (and fat)

Nutritionists insist that what you eat is just as important as what you drink. The nutritionist Miquel Girones, who has thousands of followers on social networks, recommends these twelve foods that you have to buy (and obviously consume) if you want to lose weight (and fat).


The fruits and vegetables They are essential in any self-respecting diet. The old rule of nutritionists that you have to eat five pieces of fruit and vegetables every day is still very valid. Don’t lose sight of her. Remember that in addition to losing weight you have to be healthy.

Soda water

Experts say that what you eat is just as important as what you drink. Sparkling water has 0 calories.


Chocolate (pure) is good for health and weight loss. Of course, the cigar. Not milk chocolate or its different combinations.


The shadow of cholesterol is long. That is why in this article we tell you how many eggs you can eat each week. And yes, they are good for losing fat because of their high protein content.


Nutritionists claim that it is a myth (widespread) That thing about eating fruit at night makes you fat. Miquel Girones himself reflects on his website: a chocolate bar has the same calories as 55 strawberries.


It is a tasty food and has few calories. You can do it in salad or even grilled. Explore all its possibilities.


A very appropriate food for the summer to introduce, for example, in the gazpacho and fulfill a triple objective: you will have a healthy food, with few calories and you will eat two of the pieces of fruit and vegetables that you should eat every day.

See also  I am hypertensive: what foods should I eliminate from my diet and how to replace salt?

Green Tea

Both tea and coffee (black) are zero-calorie drinks that will also help you wake up.


They are one of the most satiating nuts of how many are sold on the market. Try to take them as between hours at work. This way you will help your stomach and you will pass the mid-afternoon (or mid-morning) slump with a much healthier food.


It is a high protein food and ideal for many diets. Do you know what the dash diet is? Here we tell you.


Another very appropriate fruit. Of course, remember to eat it with the skin: that is where most of its nutrients are.


They are a multipurpose food that you can try in many ways (or even raw).