I am hypertensive: what foods should I eliminate from my diet and how to replace salt?

Excess sodium intake is the main risk factor for developing arterial hypertension, although it is a very important mineral for the proper functioning of our body since it controls blood pressure, blood volume and allows muscles and nerves to function.

But we take it in excess:

  • More than 70% of the sodium we consume comes from ultra-processed foodsas it acts as a flavor enhancer and is a great preservative.

  • The remaining 30%, from foods that contain it naturally (dairy, chard, celery, octopus or prawns) and from salt which is added to food.

In Spain, 11 million people have high blood pressure. This is a condition in which the pressure of the blood against the walls of the arteries is so strong that it can cause other health problems: heart disease, heart failure or stroke.

It is one of the leading causes of premature death in the world.

The most worrying thing about high blood pressure is that it is a silent disease: it does not produce symptoms and in most cases it goes unnoticed.

  • “A third of hypertensives do not know that they are hypertensive and another third, although they are treated, are poorly controlled,” explains the Dr. Enrique Galvepresident of the Spanish Society of Cardiology (SEC).

In Spain, 11 million people suffer from arterial hypertension freepik

“The progressive aging of the population that Western countries such as ours are suffering will mean that the number of hypertensive patients will continue to increase in the coming years,” says Dr. Galve. And it is that, 65% of those over 60 already suffer from hypertension.

The prevention of the disease and the periodic control of blood pressure figures are measures of great importance

Africa is the country with the most hypertensives because “several studies have shown that the black population is, for genetic reasons, more hypertensive and more rebellious to treatment.”

  • Normal levels of systolic blood pressure, that is, maximum, are between 120-139 mmHg.

  • Diastolic (lower) levels are between 80 and 89 mmHg.

As the doctor affirms, “the prevention of the disease and the periodic control of blood pressure figures are measures of great importance”.

And how can it be achieved?

If it is necessary to take medication for hypertension, strictly follow the guidelines indicated by the family doctor, and control salt intake.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that salt intake, regardless of its origin, not exceed 5 grams per day. Or what is the same, a dessert spoon. It specifies that we only need 1.25 grams of salt a day.

Foods containing less than 0.5 g or 500 mg of sodium per 100 g of product should always be consumed.

Specialists emphasize that “the easiest way to reduce salt in the diet is not to add it to food. Fresh foods tend to have a much lower salt concentration than pre-prepared or pre-cooked foods.”

Ultra-processed foods are not recommended for patients with arterial hypertension freepik

Foods to avoid if you are hypertensive

salt substitute seasonings

One of the first rules is not to add salt to food. Although it is true that salt adds more flavor to dishes, it can be replaced by spices and herbs.

  • Garlic and parsleywhich can be used both fresh and ground, to season meat, fish and shellfish.
  • Black pepperboth for vegetables, legumes and creams.
  • oregano and thymewhich can be a good alternative to salt for potatoes and salads.
  • currywhich are different dehydrated spices and that go very well with dishes prepared with rice.
  • Paprika, a product with Denomination of Origin that is the result of grinding red peppers. It can be added to fish dishes to enhance its flavor.
  • Turmerican ideal spice for dressing vegetables, soups, legumes and rice dishes.

coffee and alcohol

As detailed from the , “alcohol and exciting substances such as caffeine cause an increase in blood pressure.” Thus, it is advisable to limit the consumption of these two drinks:

  • You should not drink more than two or three coffees a day.

  • Alcohol intake should be reduced: 30 grams per day in the case of men, and less than 20 grams in women.

Be careful with these products!

The FEC emphasizes that hypertensives must “always choose foods that contain less than 0.5 g or 500 mg of sodium per 100 g of product. If we want to calculate how much salt a product has, we must multiply the amount of sodium by 2.5, since one gram of sodium is equivalent to 2.5 grams of salt”.

For this reason, product labeling is essential. “The earlier the word salt appears in the list of ingredients, the higher proportion it contains. Therefore, it is advisable to choose the products in which salt is towards the end of the list”.

The ultra-processed foods with the highest amount of salt are:

  • Broths and soups.

  • Cod.

  • Pork bacon.

  • Caviar.

  • pizza.

  • Precooked foods such as croquettes.

  • Blue cheese.

  • Ketchup.

  • Serrano ham

  • Olives.

  • Sausages.

  • Butter.

  • Mayonnaise.

  • Packaged juices.

The dietary treatment consists of a varied and balanced diet: vegetables, fruits, legumes, fish and foods in general with little fat.

The consumption of red meat, rich in iron, but with a lot of saturated fat, is not recommended, which contributes to worsen arterial hypertension.

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