This simple trick can make you lose 10 kilos in three months at the age of 40

Losing weight has its tricks. It is a change that sometimes takes a lot of effort. Although, knowing how to do it can help us achieve it faster and with less frustration. L has published the testimony of a man who managed to lose the not inconsiderable figure of 10 kilos in just three months.

It all started, as recounted by the protagonist of the report, Pan “JJ” Junjie, 37, in September 2021. . As a result of this episode, he discovered that he suffered from very high cholesterol, which also made him a candidate for a stroke.

Faced with this situation, Junjie decided to join the gym. After a somewhat lost start, in which she did not follow a clear routine, she began to take care of her diet. First, he went into a caloric deficit phase, eating fewer calories than he consumed to lose fat and weight. He based his diet on foods like chicken, tuna, vegetables, eggs…

Three of them did resistance and strength routines at high intensity and the same cardio. In this phase, he affirms, the work of his instructors was fundamental, who helped him not only to work the different muscle groups of his body, but also to adopt postures and techniques that were not harmful to his body.

After three months of this hard work, he says his cholesterol levels went from extremely high to high. In addition, he lost 21% body fat, which translated into 10 kilos. In addition, she gained 9 kilos of muscle mass.

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Beyond the physical benefits,