This is what you have to eat daily (about 150 grams) to lose weight without feeling hungry

To lose weight and lose weight in a healthy way, there is only one trick that you have to pay attention to: it is only achieved by those who fall into what nutritionists know as a “caloric deficit”. To achieve that goal you have to pay attention, above all, to proteins. That is what will give you enough energy both to play sports and to face a long working day. In this sense, nutritionists recommend that, if you want to lose weight in a healthy way, you eat a certain percentage of protein per day: two grams for every kilo you weigh. That is: if you weigh 70 kilos you should consume about 140 grams of this type of food per day.

But not only with proteins do you live. It is also important that you take care of your health with real food and nothing ultra-processed. The more you eat of natural foods, the better.. ). And keep in mind that you must also consume two liters of water a day and walk at least 15,000 steps each day.

Putting aside a sedentary life and starting to move more is essential. Only in this way will you be able to fall into the famous caloric deficit that you need to lose weight. But what mistakes are normally made when trying to lose weight? Nutritionists are clear: the lack of foresight (some people want to see results in just a few days when this is a change that takes weeks or even months at least), and little planning. So you can cook at home a much healthier meal that you can then enjoy all week.

See also  Nutritionists reveal the only thing you have to eat for dinner to lose weight without going hungry

But breakfast is also important. And also take into account what you eat between meals. What you snack at mid-morning or mid-afternoon can ruin all previous planning work. Fruit can be, in this sense, a good ally that will help you meet the double objective: to reach the bikini operation in an appropriate way and, on the other hand, to consume products that make you healthier and have a better overall condition. That is in the end what matters and what you should set as a goal.