Therapeutic activities to start the healing process

The wounds that result from sexual abuse are usually very deep and difficult to heal. The support of a mental health professional is essential to begin the healing process. However, there are also many practices and activities that can help a survivor of sexual abuse reconnect their body and mind to overcome this experience and have a full life.

And it is that A traumatic experience does not have to define a person’s life.. It is always possible to work to heal the wounds that this type of experience produces. Commitment and consistency are essential to be able to reconnect with well-being.

Alternatives that can help you advance in your healing process

In addition to psychological therapy, which is the most effective option to adequately process the trauma of sexual abuse, there are other activities that can help you. Get to know some of them and integrate into your life those that may be most appropriate for you.

Exercise as therapy. Physical activity, in addition to allowing you to take care of your body and keep it healthy, helps you strengthen self-esteem and self-love, improve your mood, control stress and anxiety levels, and foster social relationships, among others. Do not hesitate to integrate exercise into your life to achieve comprehensive well-being.

Practice Yoga. There are many benefits that the practice of yoga can generate. In the case of an experience as traumatic as sexual abuse, it also allows you to reconnect the body, mind and soul, return to calm, work on your thoughts, be more aware of the present and have better management of emotions.

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Artistic therapies. Artistic expression, in its various manifestations, has always been considered a good channel to release emotions and can lead to self-discovery. Some options that are included within this type of therapy are: artistic psychotherapy, drama therapy and music therapy.

Mindfulness. This practice is intended generate a state of consciousness and calm that helps people self-regulate their behavior, know themselves better, accept themselves, better manage emotions and place themselves in the present. This type of therapy also helps to enhance personal strengths.

Write. Writing about the thoughts and emotions that come to our mind helps us analyze and manage them in a better way. Likewise, writing letters to people who have hurt us a lot can bring us closer to forgiveness, an essential step to freeing ourselves from the emotional burden generated by trauma such as sexual abuse.

EMDR Therapy (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing). This technique seeks to treat a person’s traumatic memories to generate healthy integration in the brain. It is characterized by having very positive effects for people who have suffered sexual abuse and other types of abuse, physical and psychological violence, accidents or who suffer from depression, anxiety, dissociative disorder, eating disorders, acute stress, addictions or phobias or who are facing grief. and crisis.

There are many existing alternatives that can contribute positively to the healing process of an experience as painful as sexual abuse. In addition to the tools you can receive through psychological therapy, There are many resources available today that can help you heal..

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Resources and support in the healing process

Aware that a traumatic experience does not have to define your life, in the # Movement We are committed to the healing process for survivors of sexual abuse. On our website you can find valuable tools that can help you heal those deep wounds.

In addition, we provide you with a safe and trustworthy space so you can share your story and break the chains of sexual abuse. and.