The word ‘ageism’ enters the dictionary of the RAE

The Platform for Older Pensioners (PMP) celebrates the inclusion, after years of struggle, of the term ageism in the dictionary of the RAE. Thus, the term “ageism” in the Dictionary of the Spanish Language (DLE) which is defined as “discrimination based on age, especially of the elderly or elderly”.

The Platform for Older Pensioners (PMP), which represents more than 15,079 associations and 5 million members, considers that with the inclusion of the term “Attention is drawn to a real problem suffered by many older people.” And in this sense, remember that The fight against ageism is one of the priorities of the organizations of the elderly.

The Platform for Older Pensioners (PMP) celebrates the inclusion, after years of struggle, of the term ageism in the dictionary of the RAE

And it is that, According to a United Nations report, one in two people in the world have ageist attitudes.which according to what they affirm from the PMP “It impoverishes the physical and mental health of the elderly, in addition to reducing their quality of life.” For this reason, the platform launches awareness campaigns that fight against stereotypes and any negative discrimination that older people may suffer and that they project a positive, active and healthy image of old age.

The longevity of the population as a success of humanity

The PMP claims that the longevity is one of the great achievements of humanity and constitutes a triumph of development”, hence “cannot be seen as a problem, but as the expression of aa human achievement to which society needs to adapt and give answers and, therefore, always listen to the needs of the elderly”.

To reflect the importance of this phenomenon, “The data is compelling.” According to the INE (September 2020) and the UN (June 2019), In Spain in 2020, 19.60% of the population are people over 65 years of age; by 2035, it is expected to be 26.5% and by 2050, 31.4 (one in three people).

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So, it is a historical achievement and constitutes one of the most important social transformations. However, in advanced societies, instead of seeing it as a success, a rejection is shown and “this is ageism”denounces the.

Ageism, a global problem

As stated by the World Health Organizationit has harmful effects on the health of the elderly. It has been observed that the average life of older people who suffered or suffered from negative attitudes towards aging was 7.5 years shorter than that of those who had positive attitudes.

Finally, among other things, the promotion of an International Convention on the Rights of Older Persons It would imply an impulse to reinforce the obligations in relation to the guarantee of their rights and thus avoid setbacks in this regard.

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