The viral trick to make homemade cough drops: “It is the best remedy that exists”

The drop in temperatures that autumn brings with it makes some of those from this time of year reappear. One of them is cough, a respiratory tract infection that can be quite annoying.

Although in the pharmacy there are endless treatments that can be used to combat this infection, there are also numerous natural tricks that can help smooth it out.

In fact, these weeks a video has gone viral in which they offer a homemade way to make cough drops. We will need: ginger, sugar, lemon and water.

We must peel the ginger (with a spoon rubbing the skin will come out great) and cut it into small pieces. Then, we will put it in a pot and we will heat it together with a little water until it is cooked and becomes soft. Then, we will add a couple of tablespoons of sugar and the juice of a lemon, until we get the mixture to caramelize, forming a kind of caramel.

We will let the solution cool and with the help of a spoon, we will spread the mixture in the form of pills on a baking paper and let it dry until they are completely hard. Then, we can sprinkle them with icing sugar and store them in a jar for use. “It is the best remedy that exists,” writes a user on social networks.

eucalyptus leaf steamers

Steam is one of the best home remedies to combat coughs, nasal congestion, or colds. Boil some eucalyptus leaves in a pot with water. Put your face close to the pot to inhale the steam for about twenty minutes and cover yourself with a towel so as not to let it escape.

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Honey, lemon and ginger syrup

Mix several lemon slices in a jar with a lid with two teaspoons of chopped ginger and a little honey. Close it and leave it in the fridge until a gelatinous layer forms. To take this home remedy against cough, all you have to do is mix a tablespoon of this syrup with a little hot water. This syrup It can be kept in the fridge for up to three months.

Infusions of garlic or onion

In the case of garlic, it is rich in allicin, a substance with antiseptic properties that helps the body fight the flu or dry cough. Both this product and the onion are good allies to combat flu symptoms and will help you feel better. If their flavor seems too strong, you can sweeten them with honey, but not with sugar, since it inhibits their natural healing qualities.

salt gargle

One of the most effective remedies to relieve a dry cough is to gargle with salt, due to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. To carry out this practice, you have to pour a tablespoon of salt into a glass of warm water. It can be done several times a day.


This fruit has many benefits for the organism. One of the most unknown may be its function as a natural expectorant. If you have a productive cough you can try eating grapes at least once a day or make a juice with them. Add a little honey to make it sweeter.