The Toulouse Piéron Test: manual and interpretation – MENTAL AGILITY and perception test

There are many psychometric tests whose objective is to evaluate mental agility and intellectual abilities. However, the Toulouse-Piéron test wants to go further and analyze the perception and attention of the individual who performs this psychological test. It is a test that requires a lot of concentration and mental effort, since it includes no more and no less than 1,600 graphic figures!

Do you want to know more about the Toulouse test, its manual and interpretation? Then we recommend that you take note of all the information that we offer you in Psychology-Online about this psychotechnical test with great psychometric properties.

What is the Toulouse test and what is it for?

The Toulouse-Piéron test was published for the first time by TEA editions in 1978 and recently (in 2013) its new revised and improved version has been published. Since its publication, it has been used in different areas such as the following:

  • Clinical psychology
  • Human Resources
  • Sports psychology
  • Educational psychology…

Székely in 1966 said:

“Attention and concentration are not elements of intelligence, but rather prerequisites and indispensable conditions”

In fact, and adding content to Székely’s definition, attention and perception are two defined as follows:

  • The attention It is the ability to direct our consciousness towards one or more stimuli that surround us.
  • Concentration is a higher cognitive process derived from attention and perception, the process of concentrating is based on focus attention at a specific point or act and maintain said attention in a sustained manner.

What does the Toulouse test measure?

As its technical sheet indicates, the objective of this test is measure attention capacities and perceptual skills of an individual over 17 years of age. To do this, it has a series of icons and graphic images that must be identified by the individual performing the test.

The main score of this test is known as Global Index of Attention and Perception (IGAP). This element is defined as the average of the perceptual and attentional capacity of those evaluated and is calculated as follows:

  • IGAP = Successes – (Errors + Omissions)

Below you can see a exercise example which is part of the Toulouse-Piéron test:

Toulouse test technical sheet

  • Name: TP-R, Toulouse-Piéron-Revised, perceptual and attention test
  • Authors: E. Toulouse and H. Piéron, the Spanish adaptation was done by M. Yela and the R&D department of TEA editions.
  • Aim: measure attention and concentration abilities
  • Application mode: individual or collective but from 17 years old
  • Application time: 10 minutes
  • Material: manual, correction sheet, answer book and writing material

To administer the Toulouse test, the therapist or person in charge must offer the notebook with the answer sheets (also known as exemplar). In this notebook we find the graphic images that are part of the test and the space where the evaluated person must answer the test.

Homework of the person who must do the Toulouse-Piéron test is detect which graphic element (remember, 1,600 distributed in 40 rows) of those presented matches the one found in the header of the leaf, as we can see in the image that we have offered previously.

How to correct the Toulouse test online

To correct this test it is necessary the correction template since we find numerous elements and manual correction can give rise to numerous problems.

As we have advanced in this article on the Toulouse Piéron test: manual and interpretation, this test has as its main score the global index of attention and perception (IGAP) which was the result of the subtraction of successes and omissions plus errors

In addition, this test evaluates other functions, such as the impulsivity control level (ICI). This index is calculated by dividing the subtraction of the correct answers and errors by the number of answers given by the person evaluated and multiplying it by one hundred. Thus giving us a percentage of impulsiveness.

  • ICI = Correct answers – Errors/Responses x 100

These two scores measure the person’s ability to maintain attention and concentration during the execution of a test.

Scales used in the Toulouse-Piéron test: manual

Finally, it is important to talk about the psychometric properties of the Toulouse test. The 2013 review used a representative sample of 9,800 adults and various statistical analyses. These analyzes (added to existing research for decades) concluded that this psychotechnical test has high levels of reliability and validity, that is: good psychometric qualities.

Toulouse test manual PDF to print

If you need to download this manual and all the information about the Touluse-Piéron test, we offer you the option to print this page. You just have to do click on download option (pdf icon) or print (printer icon) that you will find at the top of this article next to the option to share on social networks.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.


  1. Cordero, A., Seisdedos, N., González, M. and De la Cruz, V. (2013). Toulouse-Piéron revised – Perceptual and attention test. Madrid, Spain: TEA Ediciones.


  • SZÉKELY, Béla. Toulouse attention test. Buenos Aires: Kapelusz, 1966.
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