The star smoothie that helps lose weight, improves skin and fights fluid retention

The is coming summer and with him the rush to recover his figure and look like a good guy in the beach or the pool. The heat of the holiday season also means that we need to cool our bodies and sometimes we are tempted to do so with a cola, orange or lemon soda that are full of harmful calories if what we want is to preserve our figure. In addition, the smoothie is made with a fruit that contains 6 benefits for your diet, which will make it much more nutritious.

To elaborate our smoothienutritious, low in calories and refreshing, we only need two peaches, 750 grams of milk and 100 grams of crushed ice. The preparation is very simple, we must peel the peaches and then cut them into more or less small pieces. We must logically ignore the peach stone and put our pieces in a blender together with the milk and ice. Once we have the blender glass ready, we will chop all the ingredients until we achieve the texture that we like the most.

between May and September is its best time, with which, in addition to nourishing ourselves, we will be improving our body and favoring our healthy diet.

peach benefits

  1. It helps you lose weight: Fruit is always a good choice to improve our diet. Peach has a large amount of water that will help us lose weight easily and quickly, as well as help against diabetes
  2. Help against diabetes: This fruit has proven to be a great ally for those suffering from diabetes. Helps control blood sugar levels and blood glucose levels.
  3. natural laxative: Its fiber improves our digestion. Eating a peach will also help to satisfy our feeling of hunger.
  4. Improve your skin: Vitamin C improves our skin and is the main asset of the fruit. With the help of a peach it will take longer for us to find those small wrinkles that are so annoying with the passing of age.
  5. Benefits your sight: Provitamin A is present in peach, apricot or pumpkin. It is the lack of this vitamin that can make our eyesight worsen over the years.
  6. Combat fluid retention: Peach potassium acts in the control of liquids in our body. The peach therefore acts as a natural diuretic.
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