The seven-year theory, does the body regenerate every 7 years?

Throughout history, great thinkers have found cycles within the human constitution, not only in the biological sense, since we know that humans and life in general are governed by their circadian cycle, but in the sense of construction and formation. of the personal structure. One of the thinkers who developed a philosophy based on these cycles was Rudolf Steiner, who believed in the theory of septensia and how the body regenerates every 7 years and prepares itself for future situations.

Based on his observations, Steiner created a philosophy that encompasses his beliefs about how a person’s life is structured. He called it Anthroposophy which gets its name from the terms ‘antrhopos’ which translates as ‘human being’ and ‘sophia’ which means ‘wisdom’. This philosophy looks at spiritual life from an objective and intellectually understandable position. And it is precisely from Anthroposophy that the theory of septeniums emerges.

What are septens?

According to Anthroposophy, septensia are periods divided into seven years each that would explain the changes that occur during a person’s development. That is, according to the Austrian philosopher, we would be connected in body, mind and spirituality, which during these cycles evolve hand in hand, preparing us for life experiences. In this way, life itself throughout the seven-year period shapes personal growth and at the same time, the personality is gradually sculpted.

The theory of septens is characterized by creating a more understandable way to more easily understand how the passage of time fits into the formation of a person. According to Steiner, the first three seven-year periods are the most important in the life of a human being and these would cover from birth to age 7, from there to age 14 and from adolescence to age 21. As we can see, it is the time in which a person manages to reach adulthood and also represents the time of bodily development. While the next seven years, which go from 21 to 35 and then to 42 years, would be focused on emotional and spiritual development.

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From 0 to 7 years

The loss of baby teeth, according to Steiner, is the most visible characteristic of this first seven years and would represent the first important internal transformation in a person’s life. After this happens, the child would be ready to face school life.

Second and third seven-year period

They are also part of the most important cycles of life according to Anthroposophy. The second seven-year period, which spans from 7 to 14 years of age, would be marked by puberty, which, biologically speaking, has sexual maturity as its main characteristic. While the third seven-year period, which runs from 14 to 21, is when the person goes from the transition from adolescence to adulthood and reaches social maturity.

From 21 to 28

The theory explains that in the fourth seven years sensitivity, self-control and creative self-affirmation develop. This is when the second phase of the cycles begins, which are no longer focused on physical changes, but is responsible for developing the social skills and self-affirmation of the subject.

From 28 to 42 years old

Here both the fifth and sixth septennium are included. During the fifth cycle, which spans from 28 to 35 years of age, a key life phase takes place where maximum development is reached; great authors in history released their greatest works in this period of life.

The sixth seven-year period, which runs from the age of 35 to 42, is where an immense need arises to conquer the world through our vocation or, from the family role that we choose.

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Beyond 42 years

According to Steiner, between the ages of 40 and 42, a fully mature existence arrives, not only in the emotional aspect, but also in the spiritual aspect. But it is from here that life begins to experience a curvature towards descent where the person increasingly distances themselves from the outside world to focus deeper inside.

Other changes follow, also divided into seven years, but which are mainly focused on the inner self and the loss of reproductive biological qualities. But the paths of growth towards inner freedom and wisdom are opening more and more.