The SARquavitae Sabadell Ciutat residence opens its doors –

The company sarquavitae has opened the doors of its tenth residential center in Catalonia, the Residencia SARquavitae Sabadell Ciutatlocated in the Sol i Padrís neighborhood of this Barcelona town.

This center has 120 residential beds and 25 day-stay bedsand a staff that will reach one hundred workers when it is fully operational, in addition to generating some 30 indirect jobs.
The building that houses it, which has 64 rooms (single and double) and has an area of ​​6,900 m2, has been designed to offer modern facilities and equipment at the service of quality care for the elderly. Like the rest of the centers , the center is structured in coexistence units that respond to the care needs of residents and enable personalized and specialized comprehensive care by a multidisciplinary team of professionals.
In addition, according to the needs of the person, different types of roomssuch as weekend stays, convalescence, family respite, long-term stays and daytime stays.
Its facilities include a physiotherapy room, hairdresser, chiropody, gym, room for recreational activities and therapies, special areas for visitors, cafeteria, medical office, religious service and parking for visitors, among other spaces for coexistence and the use of residents and their families. And all this with a personalized assistance service (doctor, nursing, physiotherapists, psychology, geriatric assistants, therapists and free time monitors, among others) and hotel services for the comfort of its residents.
After the opening of this residence SARquavitae has 10 residential centers in Catalonia, a mental health clinic and a housing complex with services, which have 1,978 beds and a staff of 1,440 professionals. It also provides the Telecare service to more than 1,350 users in this Community.

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SARquavitae Foundation donates 20,000 euros for Alzheimer’s research

The has donated 20,000 euros to the Pasqual Maragall Foundation and the CIEN Foundation with the aim of giving support to different projects aimed at the Alzheimer’s research.
This donation closes a new edition of Kilometers to Remember, an activity promoted by the SARquavitae Foundation, which promotes physical activity and disseminates this neurodegenerative disease among society. The initiative exchanges the kilometers traveled by people for money that is donated to research projects.
as it points Javier Jimenezdirector of the SARquavitae Foundation, with this donation “We want to continue supporting projects that allow the improvement of the quality of life of the elderly, and help those entities that work in favor of this objective, such as those that dedicate their efforts to research on Alzheimer’s”.
Thus, the , will allocate these 10,000 euros to the Alpha Studio for the Alzheimer’s disease prevention, where a cohort of 2,743 healthy adult volunteers between 45 and 75 years old participates, mostly sons and daughters of people affected by the disease. Every three years and for decades, these volunteers perform various tests (cognitive, analytical, and neuroimaging, among others) with the aim of collecting information that makes it possible to identify biomarkers and risk factors to design prevention strategies.
For his part, he will allocate this same amount to his Vallecas project, a five-year longitudinal follow-up study of a cohort of 1,213 cognitively healthy individuals at baseline, aged 70 to 85 years. During this follow-up period, through a system of annual visits, a series of very sophisticated and extensive tests are carried out, both from the point of view of neuropsychology and neurology, as well as genetics and biochemistry. In addition, magnetic resonance neuroimaging studies are performed.
The objective, through the study of the evolution of individuals, is to try to identify a combination of factors that allow predict a person’s future risk of developing dementia of the Alzheimer’s type. Prevention programs could be implemented with them.

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