The McCollough effect can change your perception for months

In 1965, psychologist Celeste McCollough discovered, from her research with tinted glasses of various colors, that by looking at black and white striped images for approximately one minute, then concentrating on other red and green ones, and then looking at the first ones again. , people had the sensation of seeing the first images with green and pink tones.

The McCollough effect interested the scientific community, but it was an effect unknown to the general public and even to many psychologists, in the faculty they always talk about it, but not much else. However now, thanks to an article in the Daily Mail, the phenomenon is on everyone’s lips on the Internet, perhaps you remember the popular dress that some saw blue and others white.

Psychologists have several hypotheses about this perception phenomenon. As they explain, this phenomenon does not occur in the retina, but in the brain, which fills in the areas without color to compensate for them. McCollough also suggested that the phenomenon was caused by the adaptation of the visual cortex, responsible for figure orientation. Other researchers such as ) also found a temporary and permanent adaptation in the visual cortex. Ten years after McCollough’s research, a group of psychologists .

Well, enough of the explanations, let’s test the McCollough effect:

  1. Stare at this image for a minute.
  2. Do the same with the green and red image. But look at the red square for one minute and the green square for another minute.
  3. Returns to the black and white image. You should see pink and green tones, this sensation will last for approximately a minute.
  4. Calm down, calm down, to correct the effect you just have to look at the next image with the same colors but with a different meaning.
See also  How a newborn baby sees you

The Internet revived the McCollough effect and, thanks to this, today we can try it, share it with your friends, see what they experience.

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