When you have a sexual relationship with someone, a whole energetic process begins. Mainly the chakras root of both, unite, awakens the kundalini and from that intimacy auras they merge, they merge to create a great auric energy around both of them.

By separating, they leave an energetic and karmic imprint. The more relationships you have with a person, the deeper the connection. That is why sometimes you remember both your ex or the walker or whoever you have intimated, change your vibration and create energetic bonds that unite them where energy is subsequently transmitted at a subtle level.

In each relationship, part of the energy of the other is acquired.

If you have relationships with dense, unconscious people, devoid of light and love, unstable. You buy the same You change to a paradigm in which nothing makes you happy even if you have many reasons to be. If the other person did something that marked her karma, you also acquire it and that attracts negative experiences. It can last a long time if they are not cut.

On the contrary if you have relations with someone conscious, full of light, love and that keep their energy clean, a wonderful exchange of positive energy is generated for both individuals. Both rise in love and consciousness.

That’s where the “I’m leaving” comes from, since the energy of love and sexuality is so great and magical that it makes them vibrate so high that they reach an expanded state of consciousness. That energy also remains in you as new light codes


If you sleep with a person with a partner, you consequently acquire the energy of that person and their partner (and their partner’s partners). But we’ve all had casual sex, adventures and/or crazy things. Relax, there are no culprits, only unconscious people and it can be changed when it is decided.

Why do I attract into my life people whose relationships with me are empty, painful and dense?

  • First by vibration: We attract what we are.
  • Second by learning: The other person is a reflection of you, they will show you your shadows so that you can recognize them and improve.
  • Third due to internal conflicts: You do not love yourself, you do not value yourself (related to the previous ones).

Consequently, you relate to people of your same vibration. You can even fall in love with someone like this, with the inability to love and value yourself until you get to use yourself. Well vibrationally perceive your need for love. But it only reflects the relationship with yourself. Love yourself and you will love the other and the others will love you.

This is not an invitation not to have sex, but before that vibrate high, to attract a person with whom you can be stable and who will help you grow and not pull you down. People who vibrate high know how to choose love and light.

“Never sleep with someone you wouldn’t like to be”