The eight key commandments to start losing weight effortlessly

It’s not just about losing weight. Losing weight cannot be the only objective when you face a diet or a change in life. Nutritionists coincide in pointing out time and time again that the diet goes beyond being thin or not. By changing the way you eat you have to also change the way you think. Improving your diet should also serve to improve your life. It is not enough to stop eating calories if you do not change the way you behave. The bikini operation is not the only important thing: your health is even more so. That is why in this article we review the seven commandments that you have to keep in your head to start losing weight and taking care of yourself. Then, if you want to improve, you can always start exercising more.

goodbye to sugar

Say goodbye to sugar, at least in part. You don’t have to banish it forever from your diet, but you do have to start considering if maybe you don’t consume too much. Have you stopped to think about all the lumps you take in one day? If you take into account that foods already contain sugar and that many ultra-processed foods use huge amounts of this product, perhaps you should start considering removing sugar from your diet. start small: if you drink your breakfast coffee with cinnamon or saccharin, the first day the flavor may not be the same but you will get used to it and your health will thank you.

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Forget soft drinks and alcohol

Even if it’s only for a while, try to eat with water (or a single glass of wine). It is important that you ban soft drinks and alcohol (especially mixed) from your daily diet. They hardly provide calories than are necessary to live. While reviewing this list in which we tell you which alcoholic beverages have the most calories, you can set yourself a challenge: spend a year without alcohol.

Go fruity for dessert

It is a small change that can mean a great result. Stop eating ultra-processed desserts. Switch to fruit after eating. Also now we are in a good season. Spring and summer are the times when you find the most variety of fruit in the supermarket. Some strawberries, a peach or a pear can easily replace some custard. But not only that.

Forget the snacks

Fruit can also be an ally when preparing a mid-morning snack at the office or a snack when you’re starving between lunch and dinner. That’s when you consume the most sugar and calories. It’s even worse if you do it at lunch: they are sugars that you will have less possibilities of burning throughout the day (since there will be less day left). If you want to go play sports, the best thing to do is eat a banana beforehand, that will give you all the energy you need.

Move more

Even if you don’t go to the gym, even if you don’t do sports professionally or amaetur: move more. Take at least 10,000 steps a day (Until recently, the World Health Organization recommended this figure as the ideal). Find excuses to do it: leave the car two blocks away or go to run an errand on foot even if it takes you half an hour.

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Spend half an hour a day exercising

Be it walking, running or riding a bike set half an hour in your day to day for exercise. Do it as a routine and each time it will cost you less. Perhaps at first it seems like a long time, but doing sports (even if it’s walking) will help you sleep and clear your head from work. Keeping track of what you do is easy: keep a stopwatch with you.

Drink water

Yes, it is a resource that seems excessively simple but it works: drinking water helps you lose weight even if you don’t believe it. It improves metabolism, makes your body work better, and most importantly, helps you stop drinking sugary drinks. Meals away from home will always have fewer calories if you eat them with water.

watch what you eat

It is the most important thing: eat only natural foods Well, you should start trying it: if you want these tips to be useful for you, try to look for recipes on the internet and foods that only contain real food, those that do not have more than three ingredients, that have not been processed and that will give you the right calories to live. No more no less.