The perfect superfood: does not gain weight, improves physical performance and prevents diseases

It is good for health, prevents diseases, improves physical performance and does not make you fat. All these qualities are attributed to the garlicconsidered a superfood for the amount of benefits it has for the body.

Why is garlic so good for health?

Why is garlic so good for health?On the one hand, it contains a substance called allicin that acts as a hypoglycemic, antibiotic, antithrombotic and antioxidant. In addition, it contains chemical compounds to which functions of cellular detoxification and protective against colorectal cancer or cardiovascular diseases.

Its ability to fight disease is one of the biggest benefits. Garlic can be good even for a common flu. According to a study by British researcher P. Josling, taking garlic for 12 weeks reduced cases of colds by 63%, compared to subjects taking placebo.

Garlic is also a good ally for athletes. Helps improve sports performance according to another scientific work from Cornell University. In the study they indicated how in ancient Greece athletes ingested garlic to improve their physical abilities. Another study conducted in 2005 found that subjects who took garlic oil for 6 weeks they reduced their pulsations and showed more physical capacity.

zero calories

To all its beneficial properties for the body, we must add another very important one for those who are in one: garlic has hardly any calories. They are very nutritious for how little they gain weight. They provide the body with magnesium, vitamins B6 and C, selenium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus and iron. All this for 119 calories that has 100 grams of garlic.

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