The consequences of workplace harassment



Anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress due to workplace bullying

Luis Tolentino


To sue workplace harassment:
Is there a validity?
What type of medical examinations can I request to assess my health?



It is an exact description of what I have experienced, and that as a result, after an accident (falling when getting off the bus 10 meters from my workplace), due to the disturbance generated by meeting that sinister being when I arrived at my job, this forced me to retire early and after discharge from the art, resign against my will prioritizing my physical and mental health, leaving me in a distressing economic situation



I have been undergoing chronic psychiatric treatment for more than twelve years as a result of workplace harassment suffered in my former company of more than twelve and a half years, which led me to first have hypertension, then insomnia, later a state of anguish, anxiety, impotence, anhedonia, even states of restlessness for no apparent reason, irritability, apathy, constant bad mood, reluctance, all this was caused by a supposed public utility company belonging to the Catholic church, which left me lifeless, I spent more than three months with thoughts of suicide, I put all this with the pertinent evidence in the hands of communist lawyers from the province of Las Palmas, who were supposed to defend me, nothing could be further from the truth, they sold me as Judas, and finally they made the moves in court to have me They gave me a permanent disability in my usual profession, the disorder they gave me was by forensic examination and it was Chronic Mixed Adaptive Disorder under medical follow-up and little improvement, they gave me the disability, but as of today the INSS has taken it away from me, and I have to fight it again, my health and psychological, physical and family situation being worse and worse, I am more than bored, I worked as a social educator, and today I am not able to do any work, I am in a stagnation and worsening of pathologies physical conditions that aggravate my psychiatric psychological situation, and the only thing I can say is that I feel unspeakable helplessness at how the church companies, which they call institutions, are capable of denigrating people until they are completely annulled. The only thing I can say is that I have felt totally identified with your page that I discovered at random, and I ask that there be justice in Spain, which I know for a fact there is not, the lawyers, prosecutors, bar associations and Other organizations act as mere mercenaries, without even minimally protecting the citizen, which is why I ask anyone, if they suffer this, even if it seems crazy, to quit their job even if it is late, health is worth more than anything else, and I have come to the firm conviction that there is no justice, now I am living with the subsidy for those over 52 years old, I am 53, and the hopes or alternatives of finding some type of employment for which I can be valid are null, I have very bad concentration I take a lot of psychiatric, antihypertensive, anti-inflammatory, and anti-pain medication, and I don’t meet expectations to do any work, but they still send me to work. My workplace harassment was covered up from my lawyers to the Prosecutor’s Office, where I made the corresponding complaints, and they were all filed, and any administrative complaints have all fallen on deaf ears, so if you suffer harassment, and you do not have physical witnesses to corroborate it, neither a video camera recording, I do not recommend that you continue in your work. I already go everywhere with my audio recorder, I record everything, when not, with my wife’s cell phone, it seems incredible but it is true, I am afraid that they will do something to me anywhere, in my work as an educator they reached me to accuse, even setting fire to the furniture, having different treatment with the people I served, giving some favored treatment compared to others, they overloaded me with work, being five workers, they burdened me with the work of the five , and the one who was my direct job manager, isolated me from the group of workers, taking away my duties, giving them to others, and giving me the worst and in a disproportionate amount, the company in which I worked for almost twenty years was hierarchical , and above me there were two bosses, social workers, head of personnel, human resources department, secretary and director, the treatment they gave me was indescribable and has no name, and on top of that the psychiatrist whom the INSS sent to evaluate through the EVI, he made a false diagnosis, he gave me p disorder

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I am the author of the link previous to yours, just like you I suffered harassment and mubing by a colleague, in my case and as I explained I work in Las Palmas as a staff of the Ministry of Defense, along with you I have treatment for life but in my case only for HTN, also some problems of impotence due to HTN, with willpower, getting it out of where it was not there and many times crying on the corners when no one saw me at home and leaning on my family I managed to overcome it in a way, today I was talking to a former colleague and I told him clearly that at no time did I feel supported by any of them, that in the 2 months that I have been working in another department and received more support from the 3 new colleagues than from the eleven that I had and that for me that man is dead, unlike you, I did not file a civil complaint because even though I had evidence I thought that the only thing I would achieve was to delay the issue further, I was destroyed and demoralized, I only thought that how the hell had he fallen again in the trap, since this started in 2012 and had a break between 2014 and 2016, I know it is not the same case, I requested a transfer to the colonel of my unit, I had a meeting attended by my union representative, among them colonel and two other soldiers tried to get rid of the bad grapes that I had inside, I maintained my composure, I armed myself with courage and I got the courage that I didn’t think I had. I made things so clear that a transfer that takes 15 or 20 days to resolve was carried out in 3 days, as is to be expected in them, after the meeting everything ended in a slap on the wrist and a slap on the back to the brigadier while I was on leave mentally destroyed, I am not confrontational at all and that is why this man took advantage, after Having been in the same position for 25 years, I know many people at the base and I am well regarded as a technician. In recent months many have spoken with me and are surprised when I tell them why I requested a transfer. Many tell me that a civilian colleague from the same workshop says that It was a simple anger and that I wanted to leave, that pisses me off more, there is where you can see that those who you thought were your companions for 25 years were really nothing more than puppets of this man, they never supported me, never, today they complain , but they still don’t support me, I don’t look for them because I don’t need their support at all, but 25 long years have passed before I realized that they were really fake.
We have to fight to move forward, draw strength from where it does not exist, fight to live our life without the first child of… that crosses our life destroying it, they have no right, to humiliate us to demoralize us
we do have the right,
to live in peace
to respect us
to be people
so that they don’t cancel us
to value us
With all this I just want to wish you the best in life, everything happens, I found an escape valve by being able to tell what was happening to me on this same page, after 5 months of sick leave I joined with fear, panic of joining my new office , panic and terror of finding myself face to face with this individual, after two months incorporating the support of my new colleagues the first days, all the people who stopped me at the base to talk to me and find out how I am, for all that support received I am grateful, being able to speak freed me from a great burden, today I have discovered the world of falsehood that revolves around the staff of the workshop where I was assigned, at first I was worried about running into my stalker, now noooooo, for me he is dead
I hope that these words from a stranger are of moral support, we are the ones who have to fight, have encouragement and a lot of strength.

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I found your link by chance, just reading the comments brings tears to my eyes, I feel identified with each of the points exposed in “Psychic Consequences”, I tell you my case.
In the workshop where I work there is a military hierarchy which I do not have to follow because I do not belong to their union (labor personnel). In 2013 I began to have problems with a brigade and put up with his rudeness, his inconsistencies, his abuses of authority, until I said that I couldn’t take it anymore
it was making my life bitter, as a senior technician that I am, I could not do any type of work without his complaint or without him having to do it in the wrong way because he felt like, in short, doing the work as indicated in the manual or As he said, he was guaranteed a fight.
In 2014 and after telling my boss that I planned to file a civil complaint, I was transferred and away from this person, everything relaxed and I managed to overcome it or so I thought.
In 2016 they transferred this man and placed him back in my work section, everything was calm until 5 months ago when he took over the leadership of the workshop, he returned to work, I am currently on leave due to anxiety, I have had to pull strings to get him after 25 years in the same workshop allowed me to move to another, performing tasks similar to the current ones.
I have been off work for 5 weeks, the first 2 were fatal, the third was better and in the fourth I began little by little to face the fact that I was suffering from mobbing and harassment at work.
Yesterday I dared to stop by my workshop to start collecting my belongings, to empty my table, the whole time I had another person controlling what I took and what I left, and the brigade behind me watching, even without leaving the workshop. I saw how he opened all the drawers on the table, my chest was tight, I was short of breath, I left there desperate, without the courage or strength to return even knowing that I left very good friends in that workshop.
It’s a very bad time, but the first and most important thing is to recognize that we have suffered it, to face it even if it hurts our soul, even if our eyes are glassy and we can hardly see what we write because even if you don’t see me, I write this with tears streaming down my face. my cheeks
Perhaps one of the best escapes is to be able to tell what happened even if you don’t know who is reading it, but the mere act of writing these lines frees you from the burden.
We are not the problem, it is others who generate it, people frustrated with life who believe they have the right to plunge us into the vilest misery due to their whim and decision.

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Hello Jose,
Thank you very much for sharing your experience, it will surely be of great help to other people who are in your situation.
From what you say, the situation is starting to improve. I hope so…