The colors of the aura and their meaning

How aura colors relate to personality

Aura colors can vary over time, depending on the experiences and emotional states of each person. Below, we will explore the meaning of each color and its relationship to personality.

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The aura is an energy field that reflects our vital energy and emotions.


red aura

  • Characteristics: Red is the color of passion, energy and action. It represents the vital force and the will to live.
  • Meaning in the aura: People with a red aura are usually passionate, ambitious and full of energy. They can be natural leaders and have a great drive to achieve their goals.

orange aura

  • Characteristics: Orange is the color of creativity, sociability and enthusiasm.
  • Meaning in the aura: Those who have an orange aura tend to be extroverted, happy and full of life. They have great communication skills and enjoy making connections with others.

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The colors of the aura vary according to our experiences and emotional states.

yellow aura

  • Characteristics: Yellow symbolizes intelligence, wisdom and mental clarity.
  • Meaning in the aura: People with a yellow aura are optimistic, logical and analytical. They have great problem-solving skills and tend to excel in intellectual activities.

green aura

  • Characteristics: Green represents balance, healing and harmony.
  • Meaning in the aura: People with a green aura are usually understanding, empathetic and kind. They like to help others and have a great connection with nature and healing.
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blue aura

  • Characteristics: Blue symbolizes communication, honesty and tranquility.
  • Meaning in the aura: Those who have a blue aura are sincere, loyal and peaceful individuals. They are good listeners and have verbal and non-verbal communication skills.

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A red aura indicates passion, energy and natural leadership.

indigo aura

  • Characteristics: Indigo represents intuition, spirituality and inner knowledge.
  • Meaning in the aura: People with an indigo aura are highly intuitive, sensitive and spiritual. They have a great ability to understand others and may have psychic abilities.

Violet color aura

  • Characteristics: Violet symbolizes inspiration, transformation and connection with the divine.
  • Meaning in the aura: Those who have a violet aura are visionary, inspiring people with a high level of spirituality. They constantly seek evolution and personal growth.

white aura

  • Characteristics: White represents purity, clarity and truth.
  • Meaning in the aura: People with a white aura are honest, transparent and have a great connection with their inner being. They can be spiritual guides and help others on their path of growth.


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People with an orange aura tend to be extroverted, sociable and creative.

black aura

  • Characteristics: Black symbolizes mystery, protection and introspection.
  • Meaning in the aura: Those who have a black aura can be reserved, introspective and protective of their personal space. It is not always negative, as it can also indicate a period of transformation and growth.

Interpretation of the colors of the aura as a whole

It is important to remember that the aura is a set of colors and therefore it is essential to analyze them in their entirety to obtain a more accurate picture of a person’s personality and energy.

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How to read the aura

There are various techniques for reading the aura, some of which require training and practice. Below, we present some of them.

The colors of the aura and their meaning (5).png

A yellow aura represents intelligence, optimism and analytical skills.

Aura reading techniques

  • Peripheric vision: When looking at a person, focus your attention on the space just outside their body. By doing this, you might begin to perceive the colors of the aura.
  • Meditation: By meditating, you can develop your intuition and perception of the aura, both your own and that of others.
  • Kirlian Photography: This method uses a special camera that captures the energy of the aura, allowing you to visualize its colors.

Frequent questions

  • Can the color of the aura change? Yes, aura color can change over time due to our experiences, emotions, and personal growth.
  • How can I improve the quality of my aura? Practicing meditation, leading a balanced life, maintaining a positive attitude and working on our personal growth can improve the quality of our aura.

  • Can there be more than one color in my aura? Yes, our aura can be made up of various colors that represent different facets of our personality and emotions.

  • What does it mean to have a weak or unbalanced aura? A weak or unbalanced aura can indicate emotional problems, stress, or even health problems. It is important to work on the balance and strengthening of our energy field to maintain a good state of well-being.

  • Can I learn to read my own aura? Yes, with practice and patience, you can develop the ability to read your own aura and that of others. You can start by using techniques such as peripheral vision or meditation to improve your perception of the aura.

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