The colon according to Biodecoding —

The colon represents our ability to release and let go of what we no longer need. The body needs a balance between intake, assimilation and elimination to adjust to the ideal rhythm of the flow of life.

The colon according to Biodecoding

Ours are the only thing that stands in the way of getting rid of the old.

Constipated people tend to doubt that there will always be enough, even if they are not really bad.

They refuse to part with the clothes they have kept in the closet for years for fear of needing them one day, they continue to work in a job that limits them or they never allow themselves to enjoy themselves because they have to save for the bad days of the future.

Should we rummage through last night’s garbage to find food for today? Let’s learn to have faith that life will always provide us with what we need.

irritable bowel and polyps

Irritable colon is part of the survival phase of the first embryonic stage.

The water of the matter is recovered by the colon. I reabsorb the water because I say: “I want to recover all my mother’s love.”


It’s more of the same, one after another. The patient is classified in this section once all the tests have been carried out and all the possibilities have been ruled out. Those affected by irritable bowel syndrome often feel insecure and afraid to relax.

See also  Somatize according to Biodecoding — Emotional Conflicts

The intestines, particularly the large intestine and colon, represent my ability to let go of things that are no longer useful to me and to allow the events of my life to unfold naturally.

L. Louise Hay

  • Fear of detachment is a likely factor. The insecurity.
  • New Thought Pattern: Existing, I’m sure. Life always sustains me. Everything’s fine.

intestinal mucus

  • Possible root cause: Uncertainty. It represents the simplicity of letting go of things you no longer need.
  • New Thought Pattern: I am part of the seamless rhythm and flow of life. Everything is according to God’s divine order.

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