The 5 love languages ​​that can transform any relationship

Knowing yours and your partner’s becomes essential for everything to flow correctly.

Sometimes it is believed that there is only one way to express love, but each person is a different world; What is important to you may not be important to your partner and, therefore, knowing their needs is essential. But how do you know what the person you love wants? There is a publication that gives us clues.

In 1995, writer and psychologist Gary Chapman released a best-selling book called ‘The 5 languages ​​of love’ and this is what its synopsis says:

“This is a book about saying it, and hearing it, clearly. No tricks. Without psychoanalysis. Just learning to express love in your spouse’s language. With more than ten million copies sold, The 5 Love Languages ​​have transformed countless relationships.”

Find out what they are below:

  1. Physical contact.
  2. Words of affirmation.
  3. Gifts.
  4. Acts of service.
  5. Quality time.

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Some need the petting and the hugs to feel loved, others listen to what your heart feelsbut there are those who prefer that the surprise with a chocolate or any other detail. There are also those who value the fact that prepare the food or take care of them when they get sick and, finally, those who They seek to live special moments.

There are people who express their love in all 5 ways or only one, and others who perhaps only need 2; As we said at the beginning of the note, each person is different.

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In an interview, singer Camilo confessed that his relationship with Evaluna Montaner changed when they understood the love languages ​​that Chapman proposed. “When you start to speak love in its language (that of the couple) everything changes”, he claimed. In this sense, Camilo confessed that although physical contact is not something important to him, this does not prevent him from cuddling Evaluna because that is what makes her happy.

Don’t wait any longer to discover your partner’s love language and tell him what yours is.