The 12 laws of karma and their meaning

Although “karma” is an expression that is used or heard practically every day, few people understand the true meaning of this word. This word comes from Sanskrit and for different cultures, such as Buddhist or Hindu, it means “action.” Therefore, it has directly to do with each of the actions we carry out throughout our existence.

In this Psychology-online article we will explain in detail what the 12 laws of karma are and their meaning, as well as the basic principles behind each of them. In this way, you will understand that each action generates energy that accumulates and becomes our own judge of life.

What is karma

The definition of karma includes different meanings that may vary depending on the culture. For Eastern religions it is a cosmic law that governs life, in which actions have a direct effect, that is, it is based on the law of cause-effect. Therefore, depending on our way of behaving, we will carry an accumulation of energy (positive or negative) that will manifest throughout our existence, and even after reincarnation.

In turn, the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs at Georgetown University also has its own definition of karma. These researchers believe that every thought, action or word can lead to very beneficial effects for the spirit and the person. On the contrary, bad actions will have harmful effects. For them, destiny is in the hands of each person, so we will not be able to complain about the consequences if we have chosen to go down a bad path.

In short, karma is a manifestation of actions that can serve to correct the path and correct mistakes in the past. Next, we leave you the 12 laws of karma, based on Buddhist and Hindu beliefs.

The great law

Also known as the law of cause and effect, the great law states that all types of energy that we emitwhether good or bad, will return to us with the same intensity. Therefore, if you want goodness in your life, practice kindness, if you want to be loved, you must love. On the contrary, if you sow hatred and discord, that is what you will reap.

Law of creation

This law tells us that nothing happens by magic, so if you want something in your life you must act so that it reaches you. Since nothing happens by chance, you will be the co-creator of what you intend to obtain so that the universe interprets your intentions.

For this reason, you must use your talents, skills and abilities to create the reality you want, not only for yourself, but for those around you.

Law of humility

The premise of the law of humility is that you must accept what is inside you, both the virtues and the defects, to be able to face success. In fact, according to this law, people who have achieved success do so because at the time they went through a process of introspection in which they recognized who they were and where they wanted to go.

You have to be humble enough to accept each of your actions that have led you to the place where you are now. From there, begin your path toward kindness, generosity, and strength. It doesn’t matter when you start, the essential thing is that you don’t stop.

law of growth

This law of karma is related to inner expansion to improve in all aspects of your life. In other words, to shape the world and your destiny, you must begin by shaping yourself.

As we grow, we evolve and change. For this reason, spiritual or self-growth books are very helpful at this stage, since there will always be something new to learn, heal or improve.

Law of responsibility

This law of karma is based on the need to take responsibility for everything that happens in our lives. In other words, understand that what happens is because we have a certain degree of guilt directly or indirectly and that each of your circumstances are the product of your decisions and what you do.

Therefore, according to the law of responsibility you are responsible for how the world treats you, how people treat you and how you treat others, so you must be fully aware of the role you play in each situation.

Law of connection

This law of karma states that all people are connected. In this way, everything you have experienced in the past and present connects you with what your future will be.

In other words, what you are today is the result of what you did in the past. For this reason, as you increase your self-love, honor and respect for yourself, you will also be able to do the same with those around you.

Law of force

The law of force is a call to focus your energies on what is really necessary. For this reason, this law of karma is also known as the law of focus.

When people have too many things on their minds, they slow down, get frustrated, and don’t reach the goal they want. Therefore, the ideal is to focus on positive feelings, such as love and compassion, to leave out other harmful emotions such as hatred and evil.

Law of generosity

This law of karma is based on kindness and selflessness to be generous with the rest Without expecting anything in return. This is not simply doing good for the sake of doing, but your inner self must be clear that this is the right thing to do and that your actions can transform the lives of others.

Law of here and now

This is one of the most powerful laws of karma and consists of focus on living in the present. That is, leaving the past and anxiety behind to focus on what can happen in the future, as well as abandoning memories and thoughts about the mistakes you have made to move forward in life.

This is a law that invites you to savor every step of the way to be connected to what you are experiencing and to be able to enjoy every moment. If you need help with this, we will explain it to you in the following article.

Law of change

The law of change tells us that we must be aware of our mistakes so as not to continue repeating the same negative patterns. It is important that you learn from experiences, since with them the universe is pushing you and sending the necessary signals so that you make the most favorable changes in your life and achieve the best version of yourself.

Law of patience and reward

The law of patience and reward is one of the strongest karmic laws. Its meaning is that the hard and conscious work will give good results. For this reason, you should not lose faith or patience in the face of failures, but rather persist until you achieve your goals.

With perseverance, time and effort you can achieve great things. The important thing is not to give up along the way and celebrate each small victory as a great achievement.

Law of significance and inspiration

Finally, this law of karma tells us that Every day is a new opportunity to contribute something positive to the universe. That is, it is not about acting well today and completely sabotaging everything tomorrow, but rather you must share your gifts with the world to inspire other people to be better every day. Don’t be afraid to make a contribution, because no matter how small you think it is, you could be making a big difference. Remember that you will always receive what you give.

Without a doubt, if you use these 12 laws in your life you will be more aware of your thoughts and actions to be able to forge a better destiny for yourself.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • González, C. (2001). Karma. Carlos González Hernández.
  • Steiner, R. (1984). Reincarnation and karma. Daedalus, Buenos Aires.
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